Sunday Mirror

Punt Hunt to save our NHS


What has happened to National Health Service? Nine out of 10 NHS trusts said their hospitals had been at “unsafe” levels of overcrowdi­ng. A& Es have an average waiting time of 14 hours.

And 60,000 people wait on trolleys for up to 12 hours to get a bed. These aren’t just statistics. They’re your frightened grandmothe­r spending weeks on end in hospital because they can’t find her a place in a care home.

They’re your little lad propped between two plastic chairs because the beds are full. And it’s our shattered doctors and nurses crying with frustratio­n at the end of a 12-hour shift because this never ends.

This isn’t a war zone. Or an impoverish­ed African county. This is the fifth richest nation on Earth. Time and again we said you can’t trust the Tories with the NHS. That wasn’t a soundbite. It was a statement of fact.

I’m old enough to remember the time before the NHS. One of my earliest memories is of my mum having to scrape together the cash to pay for a doctor’s visit when I was ill.

But in 1948 the Labour Government, against great opposition from the medical establishm­ent and the Tories, created the National Health Service. It was founded on a revolution­ary concept. Medical treatment based on need, not your ability to pay.

Ten years later, my youngest brother was born with a hare lip and cleft palate. It required countless operations. He was in and out of hospital for 20 years. And it didn’t cost us a penny.

It brought home to me how lucky my brother was when, as a steward on a cruise liner, I saw one of my wealthy American passengers. He had a son with a disfigurem­ent associated with harelip and cleft palate.

I asked the man why his son never had the operations my brother had. With sadness in his eyes, he replied that he never had the money at the time.

Now I’m 78, I am in the group of elderly people with recurring health problems. I have diabetes which requires regular visits to health clinics.

The crisis in our NHS is being exacerbate­d by my generation. While I remain active, elderly people are living longer, have more complex conditions and need more care.

But adult social care isn’t part of the NHS. That falls to cash-strapped councils which, since 2010, have seen the Tories cut their adult social care budgets by £4.6billion.

Care homes used to be owned and run by the council. Now they’re mostly privately run. But the cuts have made them uneconomic. Since 2010, 380 care home businesses have been declared insolvent. It’s scandalous that 1.2 million people are not getting the social care they need.

And it’s even worse that the Government was caught out offering a social care “sweetheart deal” to Surrey – the wealthiest Tory council in England.

We must create a National Care Service where care is given based on

Charles and Camilla visited Hull this week to see our City of Culture. As a fellow environmen­talist, I’m sure he loved seeing the 200ft wind turbine blade on display in the city centre. I’ve got a lot of time for Charles. But I’ll always remember when his mum came to Hull when I was a young MP. I told the media I wouldn’t bow, but when she approached me s he whispered... so I had to bend down to listen – and she got her way! need and not your ability to pay. And that means all parties sitting down to work out a long-term way of funding it. Yes, it’ll mean paying more tax. But that’s the proper way to look after people who need it.

It also means properly funding our NHS. The Mirror revealed that in spite of our ageing population and increasing cost of treatment, NHS funding is growing at the lowest rate since records began in 1955.

As a percentage of our national wealth, we now spend less than the European average on health care. Under Labour we met that average. Now France and Germany pay 10 per cent more than the UK.

When Labour came to power in 1997, people had to wait 18 months for an operation.

We cut it down to 18 weeks. That required huge investment and more doctors and nurses.

The Tories and their Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt caused this crisis. We face a £22billion black hole in NHS funding and a further £2billlion in social care.

Hunt says there must now be change in the NHS.

Here are two things they can change straightaw­ay: Cancel the £ 70billion corporate tax cuts the Tories are giving to big business and millionair­es. And sack that useless Hunt – with immediate effect.

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CRISIS Jeremy Hunt

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