Sunday Mirror

I’m giving up on love.. and giving my all in Hollywood

SUNDAY MIRROR Lion star is too busy for dates


HE’S one of Hollywood’s most eligible bachelors but Oscarnomin­ated Dev Patel says he is too busy for a girlfriend.

The star, 26, will be taking his family to tonight’s Baftas, where he is up for the Best Supporting Actor award in Lion.

A family friend says Dev has given up on finding love because it was taking up too much of his time. The pal said: “He gets a lot of attention from ladies, but he doesn’t have a girlfriend now because he wants to concentrat­e on his career.”

Londoner Dev dated Slumdog Millionair­e co-star Freida Pinto, 32, for six years – even calling her his “soulmate” – but they broke up in 2014. The source said: “When he was going out with Freida, he wanted to support her so he travelled round the world to be with her, to premieres and events.

“Now he says he can concentrat­e on his work, and that’s why he has made three or four films. He is a very hard-working, intelligen­t young man. He doesn’t need any distractio­ns.” And the star of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is putting down roots in LA – he bought his first home in Hollywood nine months ago and has been renovating it himself. It’s a long way from his family home in Harrow, West London, where his parents and sister still live. His friend said: “This is still home. But he is making a life for himself in LA.” Talking about his decision to move Stateside, Dev said: “I feel like I don’t just belong in one place any more. “I’d describe myself as a global citizen. London was where I was born and I love the place. But also much of the time I have spent in India for movies, and revisiting my heritage has helped me grow as a man. Then there is America, land of opportunit­y.” And there will be plenty more opportunit­ies, if his Bafta and Oscar nods continue to roll in.

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