Sunday Mirror

Bunker mentality

President Trump plays a round as UK pays for his £30million ring of steel

- FROM PHIL CARDY in Turnberry, South Ayreshire

UNWELCOME president Donald Trump waved smugly at protesters yesterday as he enjoyed a round of golf – from behind a costly wall of bodyguards and British cops.

He ignored cries of “racist” as he teed off with son Eric at his Turnberry course in Scotland – just as he ignored hundreds of thousands railing against his visit to England the day before.

Trump wore a white baseball cap emblazoned with a bold USA logo for his game.

Before pootling around in his buggy, he tweeted: “I have arrived in Scotland and will be at Trump Turnberry for two days of meetings, calls and hopefully, some golf – my primary form of exercise!

“The weather is beautiful, and this place is incredible! Tomorrow I go to Helsinki for a Monday meeting with Vladimir Putin.”

Trump and wife Melania are due to jet out today ahead of his meeting with the Russian President.

The security operation for the fourday British visit is estimated to top £30million to become our costliest ever. More than 150 US agents flew over while 10,000 UK police officers from all over Britain were drafted in to protect him. The cost of security in Scotland alone – which included setting up roadblocks and putting police snipers on guard – was estimated at £5million. While several pockets of protesters gathered around Turnberry, they failed to get close to Trump because of the cops’ ring of steel.

But 60,000 people went to the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh to wave their anti-Trump banners and make their feelings about his visit known.

Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard told the Anti-Trump banners brandished in Edinburgh crowds: “We are here today standing shoulder to shoulder, all parties and none, all faiths and none, standing together in this capital to send a message out to the world that Scotland stands united against Trump.

“Donald Trump is not welcome here. The horrific scenes at the Mexican border are just the latest example of his repudiatio­n of decent human values.

“Caging children like animals is barbaric and we simply cannot roll out the red carpet for a US President who treats people that way.”

Meanwhile, cops are hunting the Greenpeace paraglider who flew over Turnberry with a banner declaring: “Trump Well Below Par”. Police Scotland said the incident was being treated as a “breach of the air exclusion zone” that had been put in place for President Trump’s visit.

But Ben Stewart, of Greenpeace insisted the flight had been justified. He said: “Theresa May should not have dignified Trump with a visit to the UK.

“The vast majority of British people are appalled by his words and deeds. He is, quite simply, the worst president ever.”

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DIPLOHAT In his cap

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