Sunday Mirror



them together in the next room,” she says. “I had to stay in my bedroom because they took over the house. I would get home from work and go straight to bed.”


She says she lived on takeaway sandwiches to avoid being in the kitchen with them.

“Andy even asked me to join them for dinner a couple of times – as if I wanted to play happy families.”

Tracy claims she couldn’t even

park her Toyota on the drive because the mistress’s van, Andrew’s car and the motor boat he used to share with Tracy were in pride of place.

“I had to ask a neighbour if I could park on his drive,” she said. “It was humiliatin­g.

“Then my new ‘housemate’ began using all my personal stuff, even my pink dressing gown,” she says. “She branded me a money grabber when nothing could be further from the truth.

“They blocked me from using the internet and rewired the washing machine so I couldn’t use it.” By March, Tracy was struggling so much with her toxic living situation she wrote to her local MP begging for help.

With the aid of a local councillor, she moved into a two-bedroom flat on April 7.

She says legal action to make a claim on the marital home would cost thousands of pounds she doesn’t have.

Now she is undergoing counsellin­g, taking antidepres­sants – and waiting for her divorce to go through.

She admits she had a ninemonth affair seven years ago, but says she doesn’t deserve what has happened to her. “I just want to get rid of him – he ruined my life,” she says.

“He’s put me through so much hell. As for her, how can anybody move into a house their partner’s wife is still living in? They deserve each other.”

Andrew later told us: “This is 90 per cent not true. She had an affair five years ago. She is just a money-grabber.”

He admits he invited his new woman to move in, but said of Tracy: “We weren’t actually even living as husband and wife you know.”

No parking place for Tracy after her hubby moved his girlfriend in

 ??  ?? Tracy says hubby ‘ruined my life’ Andrew invited new girlfriend to move in Tracy claims she ‘lived in her bedroom’ HAPPY AT FIRST But cracks crept into marriage
Tracy says hubby ‘ruined my life’ Andrew invited new girlfriend to move in Tracy claims she ‘lived in her bedroom’ HAPPY AT FIRST But cracks crept into marriage
 ??  ?? DRIVEN MAD

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