Sunday Mirror

Let us not prey


Any cat owner who’s had to chase an injured mouse, bird or even a squirrel round the house after their pet left them a little “gift” will know how annoying it is.

Especially when they have a full bowl of food and have no intention of eating their kill. And it isn’t much consolatio­n to know the dead or injured prey is just your pet showing you how much they care!

Now a tech wizard and cat owner might just have come up with a solution.

Ben Hamm – a senior product manager at Amazon – attached a computer to his cat Metric’s cat flap lock which detects when the moggy has prey in its mouth.

When a killing is detected the flap’s lock triggers a 15-minute shutout. Mr Hamm unveiled his invention in Seattle last month, reports tech site The Verge.

He installed a smart camera which took 23,000 images of his pet coming and going. Of those, 260 showed Metric arriving with something.

He then spent several months marking up every shot of the cat bringing in prey, until the computer system learned how to detect Metric with a victim.

During a trial period of five weeks, Metric came home with seven birds or rodents and was locked out on six occa

sions. When the camera spotted Metric carrying something, the flap locks for 15 minutes and sends a text to Mr Hamm.

Being a cat of course he managed to outwit the computer and highly complex software, but only once.

Mr Hamm said changing your cat’s behaviour is impossible so the only thing cat owners can do is try to outwit them.

“Negative reinforcem­ent doesn’t work for cats, and I’d challenge you to come up with a way to use rewards to prevent a behaviour that an animal exhibits once every 10 days at 3am!”

According to Live Science, spayed females are most likely to bring home gory gifts. In the wild, cat mothers teach their young how to eat their food by bringing home dead or injured prey.

Domestic cats are no different but modern spayed domestic cats have no young to pass on their hunting wisdom.

By leaving a dead animal on the back porch, your cat is acting out its natural role as mother and teacher and you, her loving owner, are her surrogate family.

Meanwhile, developers at Microsoft have unveiled a smart cat flap that recognises the owner’s pet, but manages to block all access to other animals.

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