Sunday Mirror

Jake’s EastHender­s Soap hardman dozen mind sharing eggs from his rescued birds


SOAP tough guy Jake Wood is guaranteed beak viewing… he looks after chickens rescued from a battery farm.

And Jake, who plays EastEnders’ Max Branning, even brings in eggs to share with his soap co-stars.

The actor adopted the hens and nursed them back to health – and says they are now showing their gratitude by laying dozens of eggs a day. Dad-of-two Jake, 47, takes the eggs-tras on set for show pals including Cockney geezer Danny Dyer.

He said: “I’ve started to bring loads of eggs into work for the cast members as we’ve got so many.

“They’re getting rave reports. Once you have a real, proper egg, it’s totally different from any you buy in the shop.”

Jake hopes his co-stars may follow his lead and rescue hens themselves.

The star explained how he originally had six of the hens – but is now sadly down to four after two died.

He told Chicken & Egg magazine: “We’ve lost two, but the remaining four are really healthy and completely transforme­d. They’re really happy chickens. They come running when I go out, looking for food. They’re laying like you wouldn’t believe.”

One chicken is named after Good Morning Britain host Piers Morgan – after being brought back to life with a hairdryer modelled on the star’s face.

EastEnders is not currently filming after production was put on hold.

But it isn’t the first time Jake has been caught up in fowl play – on screen, his character has slept with his son’s wife, brawled with his brother and ended up in prison on suspicion of murder.

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