Sunday People

GB RIO 2016 SPECIAL – See pullout


The Olympic gold medallist split from childhood sweetheart Harry Needs this year, 18 months after they married.

But the break-up was amicable and both still have access to their one-yearold daughter Summer.

That friendship has worked out well for Becky, who is off to Rio soon to commentate on the Games for the BBC.

Meanwhile ex-swimmer Harry, 24, will be enjoying spending time with Summer.

Rebecca, 27, said: “She’s going on holiday with Harry and his family. We have a great relationsh­ip.

“Our two families are a great support. It’s all about balance. I am very lucky that I can still do something I love and still spend time with Summer.”

Rebecca’s solid friendship with her ex has survived rumours of flings with other men, most notably when she was linked with Superman actor Dean Cain while taking part in Channel 4 show The Jump. But Rebecca insisted all her time is taken up juggling being a mum and working.

“There’s not enough hours in the day,” she said. “But I love being a mum. Every day Summer makes me smile. It’s an amazing feeling.

“It’s incredible that love grows every day. There’s never a dull moment.

“I’m looking forward to watching her get older. I show her something once and she gets it. She’s so clever.”


But Rebecca admits she has seen changes in herself since becoming a mum.

She said: “I worry more now than I’ve ever done. I was a relaxed person who never got stressed but that’s changed. I think all mums get that. My mum still worries about me.

“I didn’t really expect it. Even at night I check the baby monitor all the time to make sure she’s still breathing.

“You don’t realise how maternal you are until you have your own child.”

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