Sunday People

10 superfood myths busted

- By Grace Macaskill

WE’RE a nation obsessed with food – and dieting.

Shop shelves are full of low-fat, options and superfoods. But is there any truth to the claims? s? Here, we dish the dirt onn ten “healthy” choices. SUSHI It’s the lunch of office champions, a supposed smart swap from a stodgy sarnie. But the amount of protein and veg in sushi is often tiny compared with the starchy white rice.

Nutritioni­st Shona Wilkinson, of superfoodu­, said: “Some outlets do have brown rice sushi, which would be better, but that is still a higher serving of starchy carbs to veg and protein.” HONEY Seen as a natural alternativ­e to sugar, honey has big health benefits, with antioxidan­ts said to reduce heart disease risk.

But Dr Marilyn Glenville, author of Natural Alternativ­es, says we should still use it sparingly. She says: “Honey is made up of glucose and fructo fructose, so is absorbed into yo your blood streamm quickly. That means it’s s not ideal for controllin­g g your blood sugar or trying to lo loose weight.” RICERIC MILK Rice milk ilk is a fan fantastic dairy-free alte alternativ­e, ideal foror those wh who are lactose intolerant.tolerant.

T There’s been a trend end towards milks such as rice and oat in the pastt couple of years and one in five households buys them.em.

Shona Wilkinson said: : “Many drink them because of the trend to consume less dairy. But it is made from white rice which is quite sugary.”

Skipping cow’s milk couldould also see you miss out on n vital vitamin B12, leaving youu feeling weak and tired. TOFU BURGERS Soya products such as tofu burgers are touted as being healthiere­althier than meat. And they can lower bad cholestero­l.

But to get the benefits efits of 150g of lean meat, you ou need to eat 290g of tofu. Nutritioni­st Cassandra Barns said: “Soya contains plant oestrogens which may be helpful for women who have gone through the menopause and have a low supply of natural oestrogen.

“Women of menstruati­ng age often don’t need any extra. Eating soya products in moderation is preferable, maybe once or twice a week.” BROWN BREAD Surely brown bread is always healthy?

Not so, says Shona Wilkinson. She says shoppers should look for the wholemeal label to make sure they are not buying bread stuffed with colourings.

Shona said: “Breads labelled ‘wholemeal’ are usually made from the whole grain. Avoid those that just say brown bread. This can be made from refined grains with colourings added.

“Usually the smaller the number of ingredient­s, and the fewer chemical-sounding names, the healthier it is.” COCONUT WATER It is the fastest fastest-selling selling non non-alcoholica­lcoholic drink, said to hydrate better than H2O. But, while we spend £48million on it every year, how does it measure up against tap water? Hydration expert Professor John Brewer found no major benefit. But it is reported to help essential electrolyt­es such as potassium. Still, the cheaper approach is to eat a banana. GOJI BERRIES These s shrivelled red berries are s said to boost the immune sy system, protect against heart disease and cancer and even prolong life. It’s true they contain vitamins A, C, and B2 plus iron and antioxidan­ts but there is no reliable research to support massive health benefits. The British Dietetic Associatio­n points out you’d need to drink 13 cups of the juice to get as many antioxidan­ts as one red apple. CACAO Lots of studies claim pure chocolate can be good for the heart. And raw cacao is rich in antioxidan­ts, helps lower bad cholestero­l levels and is a good source of magnesium. But some firms add sugar to bars. Even without extra sweetness it’s still full of calories. CHIA SEEDS Celebs such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Ellie Goulding are fans of protein-p protein-packed chia. The tiny seeds, loved by ancient Aztecs, are also high in omegaom 3 and are said to curb the ap appetite because they swell in the stomach. But t they are also high in phytates, wh which can stop mi minerals being abso absorbed. WHEATGRASS­WHEA If you believebe the hype, w wheatgrass has more nutrients than any vegetable,ve improves circ circulatio­n and protects again against t inflammati­on. Claims it boos boosts ts red blood cell production prove provedd inconclusi­ve, but patients in a study into ulcerative coli colitisis found it eased sym symptoms. Fans say a 30ml shot of wheatgrass contai contains as many nutrients as 1kg of vegetables. But tests show tha that, pound for pound, spinach an and broccoli are just as benef beneficial.

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