Sunday People

How to... Harvest herbs


Pick them fresh

Gather fresh herb leaves and flowers during the growing season for use in cooking, and pick and dry any without holes or pest damage for use in winter. Pick in the morning after dew has evaporated but before the heat of the day.

Bunch together

Select flowers either in bud or just when they are starting to open. Tie stems into small bunches, keeping the different herb types separate so as not to taint the flavours. Hang bunches upside down in the rafters of a shady, airy place such as a clean shed.

Store in jars

When fully dry remove the leaves and flowers from their stems and store in dark, airtight jars. Once exposed to light their aromatic properties and flavour will slowly begin to deteriorat­e.

Drying out

Label the container with the herb name, date and year. Check the container during the first week and if you find moisture on the lid the herbs are not fully dry. If this is the case, spread them over a piece of kitchen paper and keep them warm, dry and well ventilated for a week, then check them again.

Use-by date

The shelf life for dried herbs is about one year. They are typically more potent than fresh herbs so smaller amounts are needed in recipes. Dried herbs can also be used to make potpourri to provide scent in the house, or to fill herb sachets and pillows.

 ??  ?? FLAVOUR: Herbs are tied up to dry
FLAVOUR: Herbs are tied up to dry

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