Sunday People

Ten dementia warning signs

- By Vikki White

DEMENTIA is now the biggest killer in the country, overtaking heart disease for the first time.

The condition accounted for 61,686 deaths last year – 11.6 per cent – in England and Wales.

The figures from the Office for National Statistics are thought to be related to our ageing population, as well as better diagnosis rates.

The progressiv­e condition is caused when the brain is damaged by diseases such as Alzheimer’s or a series of strokes.

Dementia tends to affect people over the age of 65 – and more women develop it.

Here are ten key signs to look out for: 1. DIFFICULTY COMMUNICAT­ING Struggling to find the right words is a symptom of dementia.

Watch out for conversati­ons becoming difficult or if explaining something is a chore. 2. PERSONALIT­Y CHANGE A change in mood is common with dementia and is easier to spot in someone else.

Depression is typical but with the condition affecting judgment, sufferers can experience a subtle personalit­y shift, becoming more outgoing or saying things that are out of character, for instance. 3. MEMORY LOSS Even s ubtle changes in short-term memory could be an early sign of dementia.

One example is a person rememberin­g things from years ago but forgetting what they had for lunch.

Or perhaps forgetting where they have left something, why they have gone to a particular place or what they are supposed to be doing that day. 4. TROUBLE WITH TASKS Even normal tasks can become taxing for someone with dementia, such as working out how much money they have or playing games with lots of rules. 5. LISTLESSNE­SS Early dementia can see people lose interest in hobbies or not wanting to spend time with friends and family. Emotions are flat and there is more apathy.

Along with the struggle to complete familiar tasks, they may find it hard to learn new things or follow new routines. 6. FEAR OF CHANGE New experience­s can be terrifying for someone in the early stages of dementia because they might suddenly not be able to follow what people are saying or get lost on the way home.

Craving routine can therefore become common. 7. FEELING CONFUSED From favourite faces to lost car keys, confusion can occur in a great variety of situations, due to lapses in memory, thinking and judgment. 8. STRUGGLING WITH STORYLINES People with early dementia can struggle to keep up with their favourite soap or follow a conversati­on, forgetting the meaning of words. 9. NO SENSE OF DIRECTION The ability to follow step-by-step instructio­ns or a list of directions can deteriorat­e when dementia kicks in.

Look out for people not being able to recognise places they once knew, or navigate their way to a familiar address. 10. REPETITION Repeating daily tasks, such as teeth brushing, or asking the same questions over and over again happens because of memory loss. WHAT TO DO NEXT Anyone worried they might have dementia should see their GP.

If you are worried about someone else, encourage them to make an appointmen­t and offer to go with them.

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