Sunday People

Trickle treats

Cool and calm water features


WATER can be the soul of a garden, bringing a sense of peace and a splash of style.

There are many ways it can lift the mood. You can make a mini pond in a pot where pygmy water lilies will thrive. They love shallow water.

Other suitable plants are floating aquatics and aerators plus the slim-fit, stripy-leaved rush Zebrinus, corkscrew rush and mini bulrush, Typha minima.

Deer chaser features, which are a key element of Japanese meditation gardens, are also wonderful for giving a patio or corner an oriental feel.

They are made from bamboo tubes that move on a pivot to tip and spill water into a granite stone or basin.

The rhythmic clacking sound helps create a relaxed atmosphere.

Alternativ­ely you could make a child-friendly bubble fountain. The basic design involves digging up a few paving slabs and placing a watertight container into a hole up to its rim.


A submergibl­e pond pump can feeds a fountain spout through cobbles or a decorative pot. When the water flows down, it is circulated to create a lively decoration.

A raised pond with a wide and stable flat edge can also make additional seating.

Bring it to life with fish and aquatic plants. But adding a fountain will make it sparkle. It can be used to mist, spurt and spray – even to add music.

Coloured LED underwater lighting will create dramatic effects after dark. Or you can use floating solar lights for a softer, moonlight glow. For spooky effects, install a pond mister to bring a light fog over the surface.

Water can drown out the sound of traffic. A gushing wall spout is especially useful for a small garden. Traditiona­lly, stone lion masks that spit into a stone trough framed by greenery are used. But there are loads of designs out there.

Those made from stainless steel are popular and perfect for small, contempora­ry gardens where the mirrored surface can create an appealing wall of refreshing water.

Reflective surfaces add a touch of magic – even a still garden pond has the power to bring the ever-changing sky down to earth.

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