Sunday People



Hot flushes and night sweats

A debilitati­ng part of the menopause for many women, they can disrupt sleep and daily life. “I’ve had patients who can’t work because they’re sweating so much they need to be showering hourly, or who are changing their sheets several times a night as they’re soaked through,” says Dr Newson. TREAT IT: HRT is worth discussing with your GP, as it stops these symptoms for most women. It’s also worth investing in a good bedroom fan, cooler bedding – and avoiding alcohol and smoking, both of which can worsen hot flushes. Some women take herbs such as sage or black cohosh – although there’s no real evidence they work and natural doesn’t always mean safe. Always check with your doctor first.

Bladder problems

Peeing more frequently, leaking or recurrent cystitis are all common at menopause as a result of the drop in oestrogen. But it’s one symptom women struggle to talk about – with the new survey finding nearly a third of women wouldn’t disclose bladder woes to their partners. TREAT IT: HRT can help. And women who always get cystitis after sex can benefit from using an oestrogen tablet or ring internally. “It can trigger a massive improvemen­t,” says Dr Newson, “And because it’s not absorbed into the rest of the body, has no associated risks.”

Vaginal dryness

Dryness can affect around 70% of women at menopause, making sex sore and uncomforta­ble. Yet only around 7% of women get help for this symptom. TREAT IT: Try a good vaginal moisturise­r – not Vaseline or KY Jelly, which can irritate further. Look for a product that’s

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