Sunday People

Use jackpot to fund surrogate baby boy


Surrogacy UK, they spent three months getting to know each other just like friends – going out together to restaurant­s and the cinema – before deciding to get pregnant.

Using a donor egg and John’s sperm, Sarah had one failed IVF attempts in December 2015 at the Glasgow Centre For Reproducti­ve Medicine Medicine. Sarah adds: “It was obviously devastatin­g for them. It was for me too because I wanted to give them that.” But another attempt at a clinic called Reprofit in Brno in the Czech Republic was successful in April 2016. “Katy-Anne and John booked me for an emergency scan and I had to go on my own because they couldn’t come down to Birmingham from Scotland,” says Sarah. “They Facetimed me though, so it was as if they were there with me – and everything was fine.” Katy-Anne says: “Obviously Sarah and I were in constant contact for the nine months. I felt almost like dads do. I hadn’t been carrying the baby and my legs weren’t swelling.” Grayson was born at Heartlands Hospital in Birmingham on January 3 through caesarean section. Sarah had her friend Jade as moral support throughout the procedure and Katy-Anne and John, who were waiting in a nearby room, were able to be the first people to hold Grayson. Sarah says: “I never wanted a caesarean. I was mortified I was having to be cut open. In the end I just wanted it all over and done with. Katy-Anne and John were waiting in recovery.

“I remember being in recoveryry and Jade sitting next to me. Katy-Anne nne and John were always there. Theyhey never left me.


“On the following night, Katy-Anne was really quiet, I asked her if she was all right and she looked up and said yes andd smiled.

“I don’t think it had quite sunk unk in yet. It was the most important rtant moment of their life and they were over the moon.”

“I was in hospital for three days and Katy-Anne and John never left my side. We still talk at least once a week.

“That was the whole point of Surrogacy UK – they wanted you to have a friendship. I went up to see them and we went on a tour of Scotland together.” Katy-Anne says: “I don’t believe a normal baby handed to its mum and dad would be aware more than Grayson was aware John and I we were his parents. “W “We arrived at hospital as three peo people and left as four. It is amazing a young boy is here and is ours. “The Postcode Lottery funded the first two tries and Sarah’s expenses. Our final IVF attempt w went on the credit card bill. “But if we had needed three tries on the credit card then there would have been absolutely no ch chance of Grayson being born.” H Husband John, 33, a bank worker, said: “Ever “Everything feels like it should be and we have settled into family life. ‘Any time Grayson does something new we try to take a picture of it so we don’t miss any moment. It is just quite hard to think of a time when he wasn’t here.”

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