Sunday People

Dry hard to cut booze and cigs

- By Lewis Panther

MORE than 10 million people regularly try to do Dry January and ditch the booze for 31 days.

Research from the Royal Free Hospital suggets a month off the sauce is a no- brainer as it improves concentrat­ion, blood sugar levels, blood pressure and is good for the liver.

But how are you going to stop hitting the bottle? Try these tips.

1. Download an app

Alcohol Concern has a free app to keep you on the straight and narrow. It tells you how much money you’ve saved. The upgraded version also sends motivation­al messages, articles, recipes and tips.

2. Avoid the boozer

Nothing is going to make you crave the booze more than being with other drinkers. So skip the pub and meet pals in a cafe, the cinema or museum.

3. Treat yourself

Even moderate drinkers will save £100s by giving up for a month, so use the carrot of a holiday or some other treat to look forward to.

4. Get a hobby

As you’ll have a lot of time on your hands, make sure they’re not idle so you won’t fall into the trap of having a glass of wine after a stressful day. Join a book club, start that novel you’ve always meant to write, or sign up to a new nightclass. As long as it’s not wine tasting, that is.

5. Buddy up

Don’t go through it alone. Bribe a friend, partner or flatmate to do Dry January with you. Sipping on a non-alcoholic beer won’t seem quite as boring if you’re in it together.


GIVING up smoking is the most popular New Year resolution so here’s some help with stubbing out the filthy habit for good.

1. Get NHS help

Studies show nicotine replacemen­ts increase the chance of quitting for good by 50 to 70 per cent. Tablets, patches, gum, lozenges, inhalators and nasal sprays are available on prescripti­on through the NHS – which is a cheaper way of doing it than going direct to a pharmacy.

2. Don’t overdo food

Replacing ciggies with food is a common mistake. A few treats are fine, but don’t load up on sweets and chocolate. Water will help flush toxins out and beat cravings. When you’re well-hydrated, you’ll feel better in general, which is a plus when you’re going through nicotine withdrawal. Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking book has helped as many as 30 million people quit so it’s got to be worth a look at his. But there are loads of apps that will give advice and help too.

4. Get moving

Doctors and self-help books recommend you focus on keeping busy and distractin­g yourself in order to lessen cravings. Going to the gym or for a run will keep urges down and release endorphins that reduce the stress associated with quitting.

5. Get your ZZZZs

When you’re tired, cravings to smoke will seem stronger and you’ll have less energy to deal with them. Fit a full eight hours of sleep in every night and add a nap here and there if you need it. And if you have any trouble sleeping when you first quit smoking, try taking a long brisk walk a couple of hours before you go to bed.

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