Sunday People


Sick ‘training’ for fiends like Venables

- By Dan Warburton

A BRITISH pervert has written a “training manual for paedophile­s” seen by thousands of offenders across the UK.

The online guide, pinpointin­g areas of the UK to target, is even suspected to have been used by Jamie Bulger killer Jon Venables.

It was among NINE similar sick manuals unearthed by the IWF, Internet Watch Foundation, which scours the web for child porn.

Some of them are 50 pages long and contain links to vile abuse images.

The British-based guide urges offenders to target mothers living in social housing in poor areas so they can gain access to their children.


The content shocked even IWF investigat­ors. Fred Langford, deputy chief executive, said: “It’s more worrying in many ways than possession of indecent images. Guides like this one explain how to kidnap, groom and target children and not get caught. It’s like a training manual for paedophile­s.

“We have found nine – but these will have been reproduced, meaning they could have been seen by thousands of offenders.”

In February it emerged Venables, 35, who was ten when he and Robert Thompson killed three-year-old James in 1993 – owned a manual which “teaches you how to have sex with young kids”.

He admitted using the dark web – an encrypted corner of the internet reached only through special browsers – “for quite some time” and was jailed for 40 months for having more than 1,000 indecent images of children.

One manual discovered by the IWF tells offenders to target overweight women with children because they’re “more susceptibl­e to romance”.

It advises paedos to scour social media pages for victims – even moving in next door to potential targets.

The guides are shared on secret closed forums where new members are vetted. They are told to take an abusive image of a child holding a card with the time and date to get access to the group.

Mr Langford said: “We’ve located one manual suggesting areas of Britain where offenders would be more ‘successful’. It talks about avoiding vigilantes and how to make sure they are not talking to undercover police. The grooming fits that carried out by terrorist organisati­ons. It’s very specific guidance.” The IWF faces a near impossible task of removing guides hosted abroad in countries like the US where freedom of speech means they are legal to share. It also believed offenders are sharing the manuals on encrypted messaging services like WhatsApp and Telegram.

Mr Langford said: “Many of these people are hiding in plain sight.

The borderless nature of the internet means the weakest link is where it will end up. The internet is now a bottomless pit. It’s not even necessaril­y the dark web. Many of these offenders are operating on the deep web where search engines don’t index them.” Disturbing­ly, latest statistics in the IWF’s annual report show almost one in three reported child abuse images are now taken by the children themselves. The number of “self-generated” cases in which children are increasing­ly filming or photograph­ing themselves in explicit situations and sharing the footage rose from 349 in January 2017 to 1,717 a year later. The explicit content then ends up on adult pornograph­y sites or shared by paedophile­s. The report shows there were 78,589 confirmed child sexual abuse urls – web addresses – found in 2017, up from 57,335 in 2016.

 ??  ?? TRAINED: Killer Venables had sick manual PREDATOR: Jailed Huckle
TRAINED: Killer Venables had sick manual PREDATOR: Jailed Huckle

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