Sunday People

Time to change for our lost kids


IMAGINE you have a little girl who likes wearing boy’s clothes.

She’s a tomboy, everyone says. But your daughter says it’s more than that. She wants to be a boy. What then?

Do you tell her to wait and see, or do you get her a prescripti­on for hormone blockers on the NHS?

Trans Kids: It’s Time To Talk on C4 on Wednesday threw up intense debate about whether it’s right or wrong for children to change sex.

Guiding us through was psychother­apist Stella O’malley, who was that child. A girl absolutely convinced she should be a boy. There was no option for her to transition in the 1980s but would it have been the right decision?

“I would have been that kid who transition­ed,” says Stella, 43, now living happily as a woman. She said puberty hit her “like a train wreck”.

There has been a staggering 2,500 per cent increase in the number of children and young people being referred to the NHS’S gender identity service over the past nine years.

But while a gender change might be right for some kids, what about those who change their mind?

Stella met Cale, a young woman who was so convinced as a teen that becoming a boy would solve her self-loathing that she took testostero­ne, making her voice deeper and body hairier. She even had a double mastectomy aged 23. I was shocked.


Realising the surgery hadn’t made her happy, she changed her mind and is now a woman. “What’s done is done,” she said. “I don’t regret it.”

Elsewhere, I really felt for conflicted mum Rachel, who was trying hard to support her child.

Her 13-year-old daughter Matilda, now called Matt, wants to be a boy and has been on hormone blockers to pause puberty. Emotional Rachel asked: “Is he going to get to 25 and say, ‘I was a child, I was 11 years old, why did you do that to me?’”

As a parent, what do you do? Sign your child up for a lifetime of medication or risk making them utterly miserable?

Kenny, 24, who had hormone blockers at 16, testostero­ne at 18 and a double mastectomy aged 20, was much happier.

A violent protest in the film showed us how divisive this issue is. Some viewers were enraged, saying the documentar­y peddled hate and transphobi­c attitudes.

Author and trans woman Juno Dawson, tweeted: “I knew I was a girl when I was four or five and was told it was a phase. Here we are 33 years later.”

Stella later cried for the “lost, mixed-up” kids being “led” down the wrong path.

I don’t think she was denying trans rights, only questionin­g what is best for a child. Certainly it felt that there’s lots more to be said on this sensitive issue.

I guess that’s the point.

 ??  ?? PLEASED: Kenny started to transition at age 16
PLEASED: Kenny started to transition at age 16

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