Sunday People

Avoid the pitfalls in cyber dealings


MANY of you will have bagged a Christmas bargain during Black Friday.

Or perhaps you are holding fire for an online Cyber Monday deal tomorrow. Either way, here are five things you need to know: 1 If your purchase turns out to be faulty: Act quickly as the Consumer Rights Act says you have the right to an automatic refund if goods are faulty within the first 30 days after purchase. This means you have to notify the trader within the 30-day period. 2. What if I change my mind? If you made your purchase in store you will have to see what the trader’s returns policy says.

There is no legal obligation on traders to let you return goods purchased in store, just because you have changed your mind. If you purchased online the position is very different. The Consumer Contracts Regulation­s says you can return goods, purchased online, within 14 days of delivery – no questions asked. 3. If you fall for a scam: With the number of scams online it is inevitable that a large number of people will have fallen for a scam this week.

If you make a purchase that turns out to be a scam there may be a remedy depending on how you paid. If you paid on your credit card and the purchase price was greater than £100 you can turn to your credit card company and make what is known as a section 75 claim. If you paid on your debit card you have a similar right with the card provider, but its called the chargeback scheme. 4. Dispelling the myths: There is a widespread belief you have fewer consumer rights when you buy goods in the sales, such as during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This is a myth. It doesn’t matter whether you pay full price or receive a heavy discount, your consumer rights remain the same. 5. Making a complaint: Complain to the trader – most will take you seriously and provide the correct resolution. If this is not the case you have options.

Ask if they are in an alternativ­e dispute resolution scheme – such as Retailadr (, Consumer Arbitratio­n (consumer arbitratio­ or the Furniture Ombudsman (furnitureo­mbuds; turn to your credit/ debit card provider, as I have explained above; or go to the small claims court.

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