Sunday People

ANGUISH OF A LOVING I was glassed the night before my wedding


Tears flowed as the couple embraced in front of guests, including their son Oscar, two.

And although the wedding was a success, Scott admits it will be tarnished for ever.

He said: “It’s meant to be the best day of your life but when I look back I’ll always remember I got glassed the night before.

Scott was with friends at the Singleton Barn pub in Ashford, Kent, when drunken Tyler Plumridge, 28, a security guard, stumbled in at around 9pm.

He had drunk two bottles of wine and cans of lager at home before heading to the pub to down another bottle. Slurring, he asked to join their table.

For a quiet life, they agreed. But when Scott’s brother Mark, 34, went to the bar, Plumridge sneakily took his phone and wallet and tried to leave. Scott stopped him, asking him to empty his pockets.

Instead, Plumridge stripped to his boxers and danced around the bar – before grabbing a pint glass and smashing it into

Scott’s face.

He recalled: “All I could see was blood. I collapsed to the floor.”

“As my friends tried to stem the blood, they said, ‘It’s not too bad.’ But I looked at my brother and could see in his face how bad it was.

“He was in floods of tears and told me my nose was half hanging off and I had glass in my eye.”

“I was crying. All I could think was, ‘I’m not getting married. I’ve ruined it all.’

“Adele and I had been saving for two years and I thought it was all ruined in a moment. I was a police officer in London for eight years and never got assaulted.

“But this happened to me in my local.” Scott, who became a carpenter after leaving the force, was rushed to A& E where surgeons worked into the small hours to remove the glass and try to save his sight.

“All I could hear was ‘plunk, plunk’ as they pulled out the shards from my forehead and my face,” said Scott, who has permanent nerve damage. “They filled up a tray with all the glass.

“When I looked in the mirror I saw Freddy Krueger.

“I was thinking it’s all over. I’d lost my eyesight, ruined my wedding. My career was gone.”

He broke the news to Adele in an emotional phone call and asked if she wanted to call off the £ 18,000 ceremony at Cooling Castle Barn, Rochester. But t hough devastated, Adele said it should go ahead.

Pumped full of painkiller­s, Scott got out of hospital at 6am on the morning of his wedding.

His brother washed the cakedin blood from his hair. And t he make- up artist hired for bride

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