Sunday People



JEREMY Corbyn has unveiled June next year as the date for a second EU referendum, if Labour wins power.

His deputy Tom Watson angered the Labour leadership by demanding a referendum before an election, while Mr Corbyn insists it must come after it.

Mr Corbyn says he will act as “referee” for warring factions and let the voters make the final decision.

He is focused on winning the next election, likely to be at the end of November or start of December.

There would then be a quick renegotiat­ion with the EU over Britain remaining in a customs union, with single market access removing the threat of a hard

Irish border.

That renegotiat­ion is expected to be completed by February and the new deal, with the option to remain, would be put to the people in a June referendum.

Mr Corbyn said: “We are the party that can show there is life beyond Brexit. We would not go down the road of an American trade deal, which seems the only thing Boris Johnson is interested in.

“That one-sided deal would do enormous damage to our economy and change the nature of our society.” On plans to bring in a four-day, 32-hour week on the same pay, he said: “Socialism is about advancing everyone’s freedom.

“Part of that freedom is having more of your own time to spend with friends and loved ones.”

On one per cent of the ownership of a company going to its workforce, with a maximum dividend of £500 for each employee, he said: “Expanding ownership of our economy to the many, not the few, is a central priority for us.”

He is wary of comparing himself with comic characters, as the PM did and was ridiculed as the Incredible Hulk. He said: “I hope my superpower is listening to people. You learn a lot from listening.”

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