Sunday People


Steve Bates Comedy king Cash has laughs


ROYLE FAMILY comedy script writer Craig Cash loves a laugh – and his beloved Manchester City gave him smiles galore at the Etihad.

Cash – who played Dave Best in the famous show – was in the posh seats in front of the press box to witness another episode of unmissable fun served up by his idols.

The talented wordsmith was also the brains behind the Manchester pub sit-com Early Doors – and he saw City take that title as their cue.

For City blitzed Watford with an astonishin­g five goals in the opening 18 minutes to set up the prospect of another record-breaking day under boss Pep Guardiola.

Their romp out of the traps – inspired by the creative right boot of Kevin De Bruyne – put Manchester United’s 9-0 hammering of Ipswich in March 1995, the biggest ever Premier League win, firmly in their sights.

In the end they fell one goal short of equalling q g United’s record set during g their th i heyday h d under d Sir Si Al Alex Ferguson. F United fans desperate to retain some bragging rights during this era of total dominance by the Blues can breathe a sigh of relief.

But the mentality of this City side, and Guardiola, means it might only be a matter of time before they equal another United milestone – winning the Premier League three years on the bounce.


That’s the aim this season – and if there was a more devastatin­g way to respond after their shock defeat at Norwich a week earlier, even Cash couldn’t have dreamed this up.

Watford chairman Elton John was stunned by the ruthless nature of City’s 6-0 demolition of his golden boys in the FA Cup final last May.

One of his biggest hits is I’m Still Standing – but by the end yesterday the Watford players were on their knees after suffering an onslaught of brutal ferocity by City.

Home fans could barely contain their glee – but for Watford it was no laughing matter.

The horror show was even worse than their Wembley defeat – and that was plenty bad enough.

This, though, was humiliatio­n on a different scale. For if every City chance had gone in – and there were plenty of near misses – it would have set a new benchmark that no one would ever get close to.

But this is what City can do to teams with a weak game plan and a ‘beaten before we start’ mentality.

All the buzz the Hornets had after coming from behind to draw with Arsenal last Sunday evaporated in 53 seconds as City served notice of their intent to create mayhem. De Bruyne chipped in with the first of four assists to set up David Silva’s opening goal with a deadly, laser-like cross into the heart of Watford’s six-yard box.


From then on City smelled blood – and they went for the jugular.

Mind you, Watford made it easy with loose, lazy defending and a midfield that offered little protection to a back four under constant attack. They failed to close down or put up any kind of roadblock to stop the juggernaut.

When City have that kind of invitation there’s only one outcome and Guardiola’s stars were soon queuing up to score.

Following Silva’s opener, Sergio Aguero’s penalty made it 2-0 after Riyad Mahrez was brought down in the box. They say you make your own

 ??  ?? CITY GENT: Craig Cash at the match
CITY GENT: Craig Cash at the match
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