Sunday People

With Virus throws up scammer scum


FEAR and confusion over the coronaviru­s make it a breeding ground for scams.

Fraudsters are cashing in by frightenin­g elderly people then offering protection – at a price.

A Sunday People reader called George, who is 82, contacted me about a disturbing email.

It claimed to be from the NHS cornonavir­us unit and set out informatio­n about the virus and the risks it poses to the public, especially the elderly and the sick.

It went on to explain the measures the NHS is taking to combat the virus in order to protect those most vulnerable.

It then “highly recommends” that anyone aged over 65 completes a form that is attached to the email and order medication for the virus in advance.

This would ensure

“rapid and effective treatment” it claimed.

But this is not free.

They ask victims for a payment of £169.99.

Luckily George did not fall for the email and he got in touch with me instead.

He remembered a scam I had warned about last year, with fraudsters telling pensioners they needed to advance order medication because Brexit would lead to delays.

His said his coronaviru­s email sounded similar so he reached out for advice and wanted to warn others.

George, who lives in Hastings in East Sussex, was absolutely right to do so.

This was a complete scam. The NHS is not sending out any such emails and would never suggest you order medication in advance like this anyway.

But it highlights how cruel and opportunis­tic these fraudsters can be, taking advantage of worry and confusion to line their pockets.

Another reader, Wendy, from Warwick, emailed about a different coronaviru­s profit scheme.

She saw an advert for a coronaviru­s mask online, priced at £129.

The ad claimed the mask had a special filter built in that would protect you from the killer virus.

When the mask arrived it had no such filter and was simply a fabric mask that you could buy anywhere for no more than a tenner. Do not cough up.

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