Sunday Sport

I eat 20,000 calories a day to look this hot!


- By BARNEY SAMUELS news@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

SALLY Davies is not just fat – her rolls of flesh are so elaborate that sitting down she looks like a HUMAN OCTOPUS!

The 34- year- old from Swansea, south Wales, is on a special diet.

But her eating regime is not to help her reduce her 44- stone bulk… she wants to get BIGGER!

Averaging more than 20,000 calories a day, Sally scoffs TEN TIMES the amount of a normal person.

Unemployed Sally is already one of the fattest people in Wales and reckons she may be close to the UK record.


But with cash flooding in from chubby-chasing online admirers from every corner of the globe, Sally says she won’t be happy until she’s the fattest person in the WORLD.

The single lass, who aged 20 left university after one year to pursue her lardy dreams, says she is unique.

She boasted: “I may not be the fattest person in the world – for now – but my unusual folds of fat make me one of a kind.

“People who like fat women don’t just want bulk. They admire curves and I’ve got plenty of those. In fact, a friend said that when I sit down I look like a human octopus.

“I did consider changing my online name to Olivia Octopus but I was warned that could attract the wrong sort of attention from octopus- porn fans.”

Getting so big is not easy, Sally explained, adding that it involves almost continuous eating.


She says: “Most people would faint if they saw my brekkie. Eight sausages, with rashers of bacon, four large fried eggs, beans, fried bread. It works out at 4,000 calories alone.

“That’s double a normal person’s daily calorie intake. For breakfast!”

Sally is proud that she doesn’t take a penny from the state, despite qualifying for fatty disability allowance.

She said: “I employ a carer to wash my folds and wipe my bum but I can claim that as a business expense.

“What I do is a business. It makes me a fine living.

“People may sneer but I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

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