Sunday Sport



OH- NO MOMENT BILLIE: I was in my bloke’s bedroom and we were getting down to it when his mum walked in!

We thought she’d be out all day and she must have thought the house was empty when she came back.

She just looked shocked and said ‘ oh’ and ran out. It kind of killed the mood. We both got dressed and I legged it before I could face her.

I never saw him again, I couldn’t bear the idea of chatting to his mum. CASSIE: Oh no, that’s awful!

I was caught out once when I was in my room at uni, shagging this really hot lad I was seeing. Suddenly the door opened and three of my mates came in.

I was mortified and tried to pull my clothes on but they were giggling and ran out.

Looking back, I think he was secretly quite excited about it! FIRST TIME BILLIE: My first time wasn’t great I have to say. I was 16 and it was with a lad I had known for ages.

At the time all of my friends were saying how great sex was, but it was a disappoint­ment for me.

I think the others might have been lying about their sex experience­s – they can’t all have been great.

It was over so quickly, but I’m pleased to say things got a lot better in the bedroom after that! CASSIE: My first time was all right, actually. I was 17 and it was with someone it shouldn’t have been, but it was good.

I don’t think anyone’s first time is perfect unless the man you’re with is very, very skilled. I suppose I was lucky in that respect as he was a lot older. FANTASIES CASSIE: I want to be a lawyer in New York and my ultimate fantasy would be having sex with a really fit man in an expensive suit over a desk. BILLIE: For me it would be for Aaron Johnson and me on an exotic beach somewhere.

We’re both stark naked and tanned. It’d be on a hot evening and we’d be at it for hours and hours. God, he’s so fit – he’s my perfect man. an Ann Summers party and we had to play games to win prizes. I won a small weight you put on the end of a man’s knob!

I’m looking forward to experiment­ing with that one day! WILLY SIZE BILLIE: With some men it does matter, but really it depends on what men do with it.

If it’s too big but they haven’t got the nous to do anything with it then that’s rubbish. But if it’s really small, that could be a problem, I suppose. To be frank, I haven’t had one that seemed small to me. CASSIE: I have to say I think that size matters. I’ve been lucky and only gone out with men with big knobs. But maybe small men can be good too – I’m sure I’ll find out one day. BLOWJOBS CASSIE: It can be good doing it if it is with someone you are really into. But he has to be fair. Remember fellas, you need to give to receive BILLIE: Yes, I know what you mean. I enjoy going down on a man if I really care for him, but I don’t like it if he AGE: 21 FROM: Exeter STUDYING: UNIVERSITY: History Plymouth FAVE FOOD: University Roast beef FAVE DRINK: Red wine FAVE FILM: Kick-Ass FAVE ACTOR: Aaron Johnson

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