Sunday Sport


READER PIC and loses HALF his face Drunk mum’s poo stops orphans’ trip to zoo


A DRUNK woman shat off a footbridge onto a minibus which was carrying ORPHANS to a petting zoo, a court heard.

Jane Wright, 41 ( right), had been swigging strong cider for breakfast at her home in Runcorn, Cheshire, and was on her way to the shops to buy more booze for an afternoon session.

Magistrate­s heard that on the way, mother- of- three Wright was “caught short” and defecated from the footbridge to the roadway 16 feet below.

Unfortunat­ely, her stools landed on the minibus which was being driven to a petting zoo in North Wales.

The court heard that many of the children had never seen real animals before and were thrilled WHEN busty Sally Perkins flipped out her busters in the middle of the street she hardly raised an eyebrow…

Because the Watford student, 23, was visiting San Francisco during the middle of a gay pride event and, to put in bluntly, most men there were “just not interested”.

Sally said: “It was my first time in San Francisco and I loved it. What a place!” at the idea of watching geese, sheep and pigs.

But the trip had to be cancelled after volunteer driver Tony Harris suffered a panic attack after Wright’s stools landed on his windscreen.

Wright pleaded guilty to public defecation, indecent exposure and endangerin­g a public conveyance. She’ll be sentenced in January. BURNING DESIRE: Henry Jones admitted voyeurism WHEN Henry Jones was left half a million quid by his late mum, he wisely invested his inheritanc­e in property.

But the 58- year- old wasn’t just after a decent return on his investment – he also wanted to have a good old PERV.

Because after buying four adjoining terraced houses, he duly installed pretty young female tenants into three of them. And then he set to work SPYING on the girls. A court heard that former warehousem­an Jones set up cameras hidden in light fittings in bedrooms and behind bathroom fittings.

But the louse came unstuck when he went to bore another peephole between the vacant house and the bathroom of an occupied property.

Jones used a 12” drill bit to get through the party wall but in his lust- crazed excitement, nicked into a gas pipe.

And when he peered through the new hole to assess the damage, the gas went up in a sheet of flame, burning half of Jones’s face off!

Magistrate­s heard it was “a miracle” that the terrace did not blow up.

A badly- injured Jones spent three months in hospital during which time his spy camera network was discovered by investigat­ors sent to assess the damage.

Quizzed by police, Jones confessed all – having what his lawyer described as a “spiritual experience” while he was recuperati­ng from his severe burns.

In court last week, sick Jones admitted voyeurism.

Another charge of damaging the gas supply was left on file.

His solicitor, Bernard Youlle, told Birmingham magistrate­s his client was “truly sorry” for his actions but had been “already very severely punished by fate” – having being left badly scarred and sightless in his right eye.

He will be sentenced in the New Year.

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