Sunday Sport



GROUND SNOG DAY: Pavement gets good humping A MAN was found writhing half- naked and attempting to have sex with a pavement near Tesco.

The unnamed 37- year- old was spotted by a shocked passer- by as they made their way to a busy Tesco outlet.

An eyewitness said the “gurning” man was wearing only a pair of socks and trainers and a white T- shirt.

As the man lay face down humping the paving, his boxer shorts can be seen pushed down almost to his knees.

Police and an ambulance were called to the incident. It’s thought staff at the Wiltshire supermarke­t – we can’t identify the exact branch for legal reasons – had raised the alarm.

The witness said: “It was all a bit bizarre. I was with my sister, we were heading into Tesco looking for bargains when she suddenly gave me quite a firm nudge.

“I looked up and there he was – a half- naked man apparently trying to have sex with the floor!

“His pants were down and, forgive me, but when he was mid- hump you could see he was quite excited under there, if you know what I mean. He was gurning, too.

“Luckily, the shop’s security staff were on the scene almost instantly and the police weren’t too long behind.

“We don’t know the ins or outs of what happened, but it seems the police were content to see him off in an ambulance rather than a patrol car.

“It’s just not the sort of thing you expect to see when you’re getting your weekly big shop.”

A police source said the man had suffered no physical injuries but that he had been removed to a secure medical unit for a full assessment. UP AND RUNNING: Man tries to cover up

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