Sunday Sport


PC tosser battered unconsciou­s by old ladies


THE modern phenomenon of “woke- ness” has to be one of the most irritating – as self-styled social justice warriors battle to impose their politicall­y- correct creed on the rest of us.

But few “woke” people are more irritating than Terry Wigton who patrols social media – and the streets of his home town of Barnsley, South Yorks – alert for violations of his right- on creed.

Until recently, “voluntaril­y unwaged” former college lecturer Terry, 54, used the Twitter name @ TerryWoken­67 to wage his campaign against common sense and right- thinking folk.

But it was at a bus stop that real Britain fought back – in the form of two little old ladies who beat the “non- binary polysexual” unconsciou­s after he treated them to the benefit of his enlightene­d thinking.

Recovering in his “safe space” – a council bedsit in Barnsley’s

Hoyle Mill area, shaken Terry said: “I was travelling into town to sign on and came across two senior persons who presumably identified as female at the bus stop.

“I was immediatel­y triggered as they were talking about going to the butcher’s and I had to resort to deep- breathing to wipe those images of carnivore- holocaust from my mind.

“They started talking about young people who were ‘ hanging about’ the war memorial and how it was, in their blinkered, Brexit- warped minds, a ‘ disgrace’.

“I could not remain silent any more and said, ‘ If young people desecrate memorials to imperialis­t, fascist war- mongering, they are performing a valuable social duty and they should be celebrated.

“‘ I shall be writing to the Arts Council to recommend them for a grant’.

“One of them started saying that her father had been in a Japanese prisoner of war camp so I reminded her the Japanese in the Second War were merely reacting against the hegemony of the white man in the Far East.

“That’s when they set about me with their umbrellas and I fell, rendered unconsciou­s by their onslaught of hate, and was later taken to hospital.

“As a result, I failed to sign on and so have lost my benefits. Another victory for the hated Tory plutocrats and oppressors of the workers.”

Terry said he was “forced to take sanctuary” at his community outreach group where he later re- enacted his terrifying ordeal through the medium of modern dance.

He added: “Several members of the group were in tears and Tarquin, the non- hierarchic­al leader of the group, suggested we join in a group howl of pain. That really helped.”

Terry has now launched a GoFundMe page to raise cash to help him get over his “soul anguish ”.

ATTACKED: Terry Wigton

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