Sunday Sport

Actors are just self-important bunch of fakers


WE’RE in the middle of the movie awards season where the great and the good of Hollywood troop on stage to be handed gongs – for doing their obscenely well- paid jobs.

If that were not bad enough, it’s also the time actors, directors, producers and sundry hangers- on parade their riches and – their “social conscience­s”.

Those “social conscience­s” don’t seem to extend to having any qualms about working in an industry fuelled by perversion and sexual depravity – see Roman Polanski, Harvey Weinstein, et al – but there you go.

We had Brad Pitt whining about President Trump getting off his impeachmen­t charge and Joaquim Phoenix mooing about the dairy industry at the Oscars.

But surely the award for most prepostero­us virtue signalling should go to Jane Fonda. And it was not in a speech, it was in an Oscars night tweet.

Fonda, as you know, is most famous for making an exercise video in 1982 and, 10 years earlier, for touring North Vietnam at a time when the North Vietnamese were killing young American soldiers.

An act that once could have been called “treachery”.

Anyhow, Hanoi Jane leapt into the spotlight again on Sunday night to parade her woke credential­s – and jewellery.

Showing off a bangle, a ring and a pair of earrings that would have suited a Wolverhamp­ton transvesti­te, she tweeted: “At Oscars wearing Pomellato jewelry because it only uses responsibl­e, ethically harvested gold and sustainabl­e diamonds. # Oscars”

Have you ever heard such self- serving, vomit- inducing guff?

“Not only am I much richer than you – look at my gems! – I am also a better person than you because I wear sustainabl­e diamonds.”

Why do we let actors get away with this bollocks? Why do we give people whose job is “playing make believe” a platform for gibberish?

When they make some utterance we are expected to receive their pearls of wisdom with a doff of the cap and an awed sigh.


They are NOT IMPORTANT. They are NOT WISE.

When they say something that sounds important, we should remember that “making something sound important” is what they do. It’s their job.

So let them hand each other awards at glittering ceremonies where champagne and cocaine are sloshing around their ankles.

But please let’s not take these profession­al fakers seriously.

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