Sunday Sport


Sly French plot to plunder OUR fish


FRENCH fishermen plan to disguise their trawlers as boats carrying ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS – to continue plundering UK waters in the event of a No Deal Brexit.

Talks over the UK’s future trade deal with the EU stalled last weekend, and one of the sticking points was fishing rights.

The so- called Common Fisheries Policy allowed EU trawlers to scoop up vast shoals of good British fish to be slurped down in oily Continenta­l soups.

When the transition period ends on December 31, the Royal Navy will be free to sink EU trawlers netting our fish, and the Europeans are keen to retain their rights to ravage our waters in a post- Brexit world.


Although fishing contribute­s just a fraction to Britain’s output and the once- mighty UK fleet is a shadow of its former self, Brits admire the bravery of all hardworkin­g trawlermen, and emotions remain high over the issue.

It’s widely thought that scruffy Band Aid pottymouth Bob Geldof swung Britain to vote leave when he and a

FISHY C** TS: French will adapt their trawlers to plunder UK

CATCH OF THE DAY: A boat full of immigrants

mob of Remainer cronies jeered and abused fishermen on the River Thames.

But sly Frogs think they can carry on fishing even if no deal is done – simply by disguising migrants.

One Boulogne fisherman shrugged: “Ha! The British authoritie­s – how you say? – turn the blind eye to the themselves as illegal migrants and their boats.

“They are too scared to tackle the migrant boats in case they are maybe accused of le racisme.


“So, if no deal, we dress as migrants – maybe blacken the faces un peu – and hey presto! We carry on le fishing unmolestai­re. Ha, ha! Bof!”

The stalled trade talks resumed last week after EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said both sides must be willing to compromise.

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