Sunday Sport

Yes, the French HAVE got balls


OCCASIONAL­LY – well, OK… very occasional­ly – the French get it right.

Last weekend, tens of thousands of FRENCH people took part in rallies across the country to honour Samuel Paty and defend freedom of speech.

M. Paty, you will recall, was the teacher murdered – f** king BEHEADED IN PUBLIC – by a drooling, knuckle- dragging Islamofasc­ist.

His “crime” was to teach his students about freedom of speech in a lesson at his school near Paris, where he also showed them cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed.

The same cartoons that led to 12 people being butchered by other drooling, knuckle- dragging Islamofasc­ists when they were published in the magazine Charlie Hebdo.

In France, they take the freedoms won in their Revolution very seriously, hence the protests against this grotesque killing which struck at the very heart of those freedoms.

And you will have seen similar protests on the streets of London, Manchester, Birmingham…

Er, no you wouldn’t.

Because there were none.

Not a f** king peep.

In fact the loudest protests here – and I promise I shit you not – were from leftards angry that the police officers had shot dead the Chechen nut who had beheaded M. Paty ( above).

Presumably he should have been given a cuddle and sent on some sort of course run by some wet twat with a rainbow- coloured lanyard?

How is it there were RIOTS on the streets of London over the murder of a convicted felon 4,000 miles away in Minneapoli­s but complete radio silence over the murder of a brave, dedicated teacher just across the Channel?


How come statues are thrown into the sea in Bristol over the George Floyd murder but when Samuel Paty was – let me repeat this – f** king BEHEADED IN PUBLIC – the BBC simpers: “Some French- Muslims say they are frequent targets of racism and discrimina­tion because of their faith...”?

One can only presume that the British Left do not march for Samuel Paty because he was the “wrong” sort of victim.

Or because his deranged killer was the “right” sort of murderer.

Either way, it’s absolutely f** king sickening and it’s been left to ordinary French people to put their balls on the line and say of Samuel Paty’s murder: “This is WRONG, you F** KING C** TS!”

Vive la France!

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