Sunday Sun

Homeless man’s dog attacks two city revellers


- By ROB KENNEDY Court Reporter

A HOMELESS man whose dog bit two people as they stroked it has been spared prison – while the dog, Bud the bull terrier, has evaded the death penalty.

Lawrence Ritchie was sitting in doorways in Newcastle city centre on two separate occasions when people out socialisin­g asked to stroke his pet.

Bad-tempered Bud bit a 18-yearold man in the face, leaving him needing stitches and scarred for life from a “horrible wound”.

Despite being spoken to by police, Ritchie was allowed to keep his beloved dog – only for it to attack again just days later.

Now the 51-year-old, who lives in a tent, has been given a suspended prison sentence after admitting two charges of having a dog dangerousl­y out of control causing injury.

He was also banned from owning a dog for 10 years but a judge took pity on Bud and, instead of ordering him to be destroyed, he must be rehomed, muzzled and castrated.

Judge Amanda Rippon, at Newcastle Crown Court, told him: “I understand he was a companion and part of your family.

“You need to understand I’m doing this for him as much as anyone else.”

The court heard the 18-year-old was out socialisin­g in the city centre on the evening of June 17 last year when he saw Ritchie with Bud in a doorway on Grainger Street.

Prosecutor Kevin Wardlaw said: “He said it was a grey pit bull and he asked if he could pet the dog.

“The defendant said he could and he began to stroke the dog on the back five or six times.

“However, as he went to crouch a little closer, the dog jumped up and bit him on the forehead, causing injury, a wound which required stitches to be inserted.”

Judge Rippon said the “very very nasty wound” just above his left eye was caused by “a wicked bite”.

The victim said: “I was trying to be kind and didn’t expect to be bitten. This dog could have bitten anyone. I’m a lot more wary of confrontin­g dogs.”

Ritchie was allowed to keep the dog after the attack. Mr Wardlaw said: “The police attended and spoke to the defendant.

“He retained ownership of the dog. It was simply handed back to him.” When asked why by the judge, he said: “That’s unclear.”

Less than two weeks later, on June 30, a 25-year-old woman was out socialisin­g in the city centre when she saw Ritchie and Bud in the doorway of Greggs on the Bigg Market.

Mr Wardlaw said: “She said Bud was a Staffordsh­ire bull terrier or similar breed and she approached the defendant and the dog and asked if she could stroke the dog.

“She was told she could, at which VICTIM OF DOG ATTACK Larwrence Ritchie, who pleaded guilty to having a dog dangerousl­y out of control

point the dog jumped up and bit her on the arm.”

The woman suffered seven puncture wounds which had to be sutured and bandaged and she had to have a course of injections.

She said in a victim statement: “This has left me shaken and upset.

“I’m a dog lover but I have major concerns about the behaviour of this dog, which could cause serious injuries to other people and chil- dren.” Ritchie, of no fixed address, who has 124 previous conviction­s, was given 10 months suspended for 18 months with rehabilita­tion and a 10-year ban on having a dog.

Judge Rippon said an expert’s report led her to conclude it was not necessary to order Bud to be destroyed.

She made a “contingent destructio­n order”, meaning if he is rehomed, castrated, muzzled and kept on a short lead in the street, he will not be put down.

Graeme Cook, defending Ritchie, said: “At present, he is homeless and lives in a tent with his girlfriend on and off who is pregnant with his child.

“He is seeking to obtain accommodat­ion because of that.”

Ritchie, who wanted to keep Bud, is remorseful about the offences, the court heard.

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