Sunday Sun

All points west in the search for decent rays


IT is a case of head west for the best of the fishing as rays, several over 12lb, come into the Solway in good numbers from marks from Kircudbrig­ht to Workington.

There are also masses of dogfish, but as news spread it was hard to get a spot on the more popular and easilyacce­ssible venues.

Workington angler Michael Laycock fished Silloth, taking dab every cast on light tackle and two rays - the best 11lb 6oz.

A group of anglers from Sunderland fished Silloth, targeting the rays.

Stephen Rackstraw had the best of the fishing, taking six for 40lb - the best 11lb 7oz.

Lenny Davies and Alistair McDonald fished at Balcary, Davies taking ray of 4.2lb and 9.6lb and McDonald one of 7lb while Pete Davies and Steve Simonson could only manage numerous dogfish.

I am pleased to say all the rays are being returned to the water after weighing and photograph­ing.

Balcary has also started to produce a few conger.

Maryport prom and Whitehaven are giving a few plaice during calm conditions but unfortunat­ely boats are trawling close in for pot bait and will affect catches.

Very little has been taken from the North East coastline apart from Eyemouth and St Abbs, where decent pollock and plenty of coalfish have been taken spinning or lure fishing on light tackle.

Ethan Howe of South Shields captured a personal-best pollock of 4lb 2oz from St Abbs and upped that later by taking one of 6lb 5oz.

Andy Wright, fishing with him, changed lures and shortly afterwards was having an epic battle with a hardfighti­ng fish which took line on numerous occasion.

He was eventually rewarded with a personal-best pollock of 7lb, all fish being returned after weighing and photograph­ing.

Sean and Stephen Start, Adam Johnson, Ryan Thompson, Lee Jackson and Kevan Hall had a trip to Norway shore fishing and landed the normal big cod.

The best of 30lb went to Stephen Start, the best ling of 21lb to Adam Johnson and the halibut best of 18lb to Lee Jackson.

However, pride of place has to be Sean Start’s prospectiv­e new European record whiting of 6lb 2oz.

Piers at South Shields, Seaham and Whitby are giving a few decent coalfish with a few codling to 52cm being caught from the Tyne.

Boat fishing has been quiet with boats taking codling to mainly 2-3lb with the odd one to 5lb fishing the hard ground close in.

Arthur Smeaton had a good reason to smile as, while he cooked the fish he caught while watching the Grand National, his wife put a £5 each way bet on a horse called “One for Arthur” - which romped home.

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