Sunday Sun

Trump accuses Comey of lying to Congress


- By Jill Colvin and Calvin Woodward


US president Donald Trump has accused fired FBI director James Comey of lying to Congress and said he was “100%” willing to testify under oath about their conversati­ons.

Mr Trump refused to say whether those private exchanges were taped, a matter at the heart of the conflictin­g accounts of what passed between them.

It concerns a time when Mr Comey was leading an FBI investigat­ion into Russia’s interferen­ce in the presidenti­al election and its ties to the Trump campaign.

He asserted that nothing in Mr Comey’s testimony to the Senate pointed to collusion with Russia or obstructio­n of justice. “Yesterday showed no collusion, obstructio­n,” Mr Trump said.

He further denied ever asking Mr Comey for his “loyalty”, contradict­ing Mr Comey’s detailed sworn testimony about a private dinner in the White House.

“No, I didn’t say that,” Mr Trump stated abruptly, taking questions on Friday at a joint press conference with Romanian president Klaus Iohannis in the Rose Garden.

Asked if he would make that denial under oath, he said: “100%.”

Mr Trump’s aides have dodged questions about whether conversati­ons relevant to the Russia investigat­ion have been recorded, and so did no the president in a series of teases.

“Well, I’ll tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future,” he said.

He insisted he was not “hinting anything”, before adding: “Oh, you’re going to be very disappoint­ed when you hear the answer, don’t worry.”

The House intelligen­ce committee has asked White House counsel Don McGahn whether any tape recordings or memos of Mr Comey’s conversati­ons with the president exist now or had existed.

The committee also sent a letter to Mr Comey asking for any notes or memos about the discussion­s he had with Mr Trump before being abruptly fired last month.

Mr Comey told the Senate intelligen­ce committee on Thursday about several one-on-one interactio­ns with the president, during which he said Mr Trump pressed him to show “loyalty”.

Mr Tump wanted him to back off on the FBI investigat­ion of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, and to disclose that the president himself was not under investigat­ion, Mr Comey said. He said he refused on all points, told senators of the detailed memos he had written after his conversati­ons with Mr Trump and said he hoped they were taped because he is confident of their truth.

 ??  ?? HELLO again! This week I have a holiday special for you.
The hot weather we had a couple of weeks was, of course, short-lived thanks to torrential downpours which seem like they’ve lasted forever!
This huge change in weather has had me dreaming about...
HELLO again! This week I have a holiday special for you. The hot weather we had a couple of weeks was, of course, short-lived thanks to torrential downpours which seem like they’ve lasted forever! This huge change in weather has had me dreaming about...

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