Sunday Sun

Andy’s big on health benefits of losing 14 stone


- By Chris Knight Reporter christophe­r.knight@trinitymir­

Andy has lost 14 stone so far AFTER shedding more than the weight of the average British man and reversing diabetes, Andy Horn is ready to be fighting fit.

The taxi firm clerk once tipped the scales at an eye-watering 37 stone 11lbs but after two years of hard work, he’s shed almost 14 stone – stopping his typetwo diabetes and putting him on the road to a “normal” life.

The 46-year-old, who was unable to walk without feeling excruciati­ng pain, said: “At breakfast, I was eating four slices of bread with bacon and black pudding. I would put away takeaways like there was no tomorrow. “Everything bad for you, I was eating. “I was in such a dark place, I was so depressed. I could not walk 10 or 15 yards without being in excruciati­ng pain.

“I was the fat kid at school and it really piled on after I left. I was a heart attack or stroke waiting to happen.”

After several failed diets, and with his weight proving a heavy burden on his marriage to wife Michelle, the determined dieter gave it one more try and joined Slimming World in May 2015 – and began to transform his life.

Andy added: “It suddenly just clicked for me, I can’t remember what it was.

“As the weight started coming off, my diabetes gradually came under control.

“I started taking gentle walks to the end of my street and just kept pushing myself a little bit further every day. I can walk four or five miles now pretty comfortabl­y – I’m out seven days a week no matter the weather.”

Meeting once a week with fellow slimmers at St Mark’s Church Hall, in Westerhope, Andy changed his diet and says it’s all about “eating the right stuff”.

The dramatic turnaround has even seen him give a talk to student diabetolog­ists at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary.

But the resolute slimmer revealed he still has some way to go before he reaches his goal, and has urged everyone hoping to shed the pounds to simply believe in themselves.

He added: “I want to lose a total of 20 stone. It’s not if I can do it, it’s a question of when.

“There’s hope for everybody – if I can do this, anybody can.

“I love my food but I can still lose weight. Just believe in yourself, that is half the battle.”

Nicola Laing, Andy’s Slimming World consultant at the Westerhope group, added: “He has achieved so much since joining us.

“Before Andy joined he wasn’t even able to walk to the end of the path without stopping.

Now, he’s out walking for miles with the dog.

“He still enjoys a lovely big full English breakfast every day, only this time it’s cooked in frylight rather than oil.

“Andy’s such a valuable member in group and he supports everyone.

“He is there to offer advice and support and encourages everyone.”

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