Sunday Sun

Ruther a tight finish after two-day event


THERE was an amazingly close finale to the Rutherford’s Anyfish Anywhere two-day event fished at the Copthorne.

The overall winner with a section win on day one (22 fish for 550cm) and a second on day two (19 fish for 470cm), giving him three points, was none other than organiser Andy Rutherford.

Rutherford had to fight hard for his victory, with the second and third places being decided on the overall length of fish the anglers caught.

Robbie Cowan was awarded second place with a third on day one (22 fish, 575cm) and a first on day two (22 fish, 708cm) for four points.

He finished ahead of Robbie Greenhow with a second on day one (22 fish, 575cm) and a second on day two (16 fish, 402cm) also four points.

The longest fish of the event, a flounder of 42cm, was taken by Stu Foot.

At long last the wrecks off the Tyne and Sunderland are starting to give some decent cod in among catches of up to 80 fish.

The best I know of this season so far, weighing 21.75lb, fell to Rob Parker, with Mark Atkinson taking one of 15lb – both aboard JFK TWO.

Private boats have also been hitting the fish, with cod and ling to 8lb from inshore wrecks and cod to 7lb from the ground with most around 2lb.

Alan Robinson took three cod in double figures, the best 12lb 6oz, just off Ryhope. Boats out of Whitby are taking good numbers of cod to just over double figures.

Plaice have also moved into casting distance of South Shields pier with a few touching 2lb.

Gordon Dodds took five to 1.75oz, while a few decent pollock to 4lb have also been taken from the pier.

A few decent plaice, along with dabs and flounder, have been taken along the Cumbria coast, although rays have been very scarce.

Rock marks all down the east coast have only produced a few codling, with the best around 3lb.

With the settled weather the open beaches from Cambois to Bamburgh have given good sport, with flounder, dab, odd turbot and bass, the better fish coming from Cambois and Druridge.

Travelling anglers have been having good sport along the Solway rock marks with a few rays and hard-fighting smooth-hound.

Quite a few anglers are hitting the North Yorkshire beaches. Young Harley Thompson had a great day with his dad Ryan, taking seven hounds to 5lb 8oz along with several flounder. Although beaten in terms of numbers, dad did take the biggest at 8lb.

Unfortunat­ely for both shore and boat anglers, mackerel have been pretty scarce even with the better conditions, but bigger tides this weekend should see an improvemen­t.

Harley Thompson (above) with the best of his seven smooth-hounds; left, Rob Parker with the season’s best cod so far of 21.75lb, caught aboard JFK TWO; right, Mark Atkinson with 15lb cod, also caught aboard JFK TWO

 ??  ?? A TURBULENT week weather wise has heralded some of the best fishing of the year.
The biggest haul came from Lookout Lake at the Angel, where records were absolutely obliterate­d last Sunday by Glen Appleby.
He took in a staggering 266lb 14oz of fish -...
A TURBULENT week weather wise has heralded some of the best fishing of the year. The biggest haul came from Lookout Lake at the Angel, where records were absolutely obliterate­d last Sunday by Glen Appleby. He took in a staggering 266lb 14oz of fish -...
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