Sunday Sun

Gran finds grenade in her back garden


- By Laura Hill Reporter Laura.Hill@trinitymir­

GATESHEAD residents were evacuated from their homes for almost four hours after a grandmothe­r found a grenade in her garden.

Sandra Tinkler, 69, who has lived on Barry Street for 14 years, spotted the World War II relic in a garden a few weeks ago, but didn’t think it was dangerous.

She and a neighbour inspected it and decided it wasn’t live so assumed it was nothing to worry about.

However, on Saturday afternoon the grandmothe­r-oftwo spotted a police officer on the road who was attending an unrelated matter and she decided to tell them about the strange object she had found in her garden.

Officers took one look at the explosive and told her to put it down on the garden wall before evacuating the street and calling on the bomb disposal team from Catterick barracks.

Sandra said: “I found it three weeks ago when I was out in the garden doing the weeds.

“I thought it was plastic until I picked it up and it weighed a ton. I shouted my neighbour over and he came and had a look at it.

“He screwed the top off and there was nothing inside and there was no pin.

“I kept it outside for a couple of days and then brought it in to the house.”

Although she is keen to know how it came to be there in the first place, Sandra said she was bemused by the police response to what she thought Sandra Tinkler, who found a WWII grenade in her garden was a harmless artefact.

“The look on the policeman’s face, he went white,” she said

“It was all a bit daft. I knew it was a dud, without a shadow of a doubt.”

All residents on Barry Street were evacuated at about 3pm as a precaution and warned that temporary accommodat­ion might need to be found.

Although a drop in centre was set up at the Gateshead Leisure Centre most residents waited at the end of the road for the bomb disposal unit.

The soldiers arrived at around 6pm and after inspecting the grenade and realising it was not live took it away with them.

Sandra said she was disappoint­ed not to be able to keep the grenade as a souvenir.

“I have no idea how it ended up in my garden,” she said.

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