Sunday Sun

Parents’ joy as tot under 2lb at birth turns one


- By Sean Seddon Reporter sean.seddon@trinitymir­

BORN 10 weeks prematurel­y and weighing under 2lb, tiny baby Theo needed an oxygen tank to keep him alive. But just look at him now. Little Theo Dawes was small enough to fits in his dad’s hand when he was born on October 13, 2016 but now he’s going from strength to strength.

Left with a chronic lung condition by his dangerousl­y early birth, he needed the help of oxygen apparatus 24/7 to ensure he was breathing properly.

But, after just nine months, the battler no longer needs it and his family are looking forward to the first birthday they thought at one point might not happen.

His mum, Vicky Curry, 39, said: “He started being weened off the oxygenyg in n early May – we’d hoped it would happen in April but he picked up a virus so we had to wait a little while longer. “It had to be done really gradually, so at first he was taken off for two hours, then for five, then for eight and so on. “All our doctors have said they’re really happy with his progress. “It’s amazing – he’s doing really well and he’s so much happier. “He hated having the tube taped to his face so, since it has come off, he’s loving it. “When it was first taken off he kept touching his face like he didn’t know what was going on because h he’d had it on since h he was born. “He can move around without it restrictin­g him too, w which is great.” Although Theo has made amazing progress, he still suffers f from some health c o m - pli- cations and is a couple of months less developed physically than he should be for a baby his age.

His weight is now at 17lb 8oz – a couple of pounds lighter than he should be – but, for Vicky and dad, Martin Dawes, 42, he’s bigger than ever seemed possible at one point.

Vicky said: “To look at him he just seems like a healthy baby, but people who’ve had kids tell us that he’s so small for his age.

“But watching him grow from the size he was has been incredible – to me and Martin he looks absolutely huge.

“Since he came off the oxygen I feel like we can relax a bit more and our quality of life has improved because we don’t have to take the tank everywhere with us or worry about the tube become detached. “It’s been a big change.” As a mark of gratitude to the Neonatal Intensive Care ward at Sunderland Royal hospital, where Theo was cared for after his birth, his parents have thrown themselves into fundraisin­g.

Vicky said: “We know that without the hospital staff and their support and hard work, Theo wouldn’t be here today. It’s our way of thanking them and trying to help babies in the future who face the same challenges as Theo.” Thriving Theo with mum Vicky

 ??  ?? Theo Dawes was born weighing just 2lb. Above, Theo with dad Martin
Theo Dawes was born weighing just 2lb. Above, Theo with dad Martin
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