Sunday Sun

It means a lot to Danny and us, knowing that people are thinking about him


- By Lisa Hutchinson Reporter

Cards and messages of support for Danny Weatherson BIG-HEARTED readers have been sending messages of support to ‘trapped’ prisoner Danny Weatherson after he was recalled to jail on his birthday following a near 12-year battle for freedom.

Maurice Stevens, Danny’s dad, asked our army of readers to write cards so he can forward them on to HMP Leeds to perk up his son.

And he is showing his gratitude by saying a big thank you to them all.

From inside prison, Danny said through his dad: “I’d like to thank everyone for the cards and the postal orders, I’ve got over £400 in postal orders which is great. I was down but this has made me proper happy but I still don’t know how long I will be in here.”

In a card that had printed on the front “sometimes it takes a lot of rain ... before you see a rainbow”, Paul and Angie wrote: “Hiya mate, me and my wife heard about your story on the news and it really moved us. Can’t imagine what you’re going through but all I can say is what’s in this card: ‘Stay strong’.

“You’ve done the hard part and so don’t fall at the last fence. Sounds like you’ve got good family around you. I hope when you do get back in the Toon you can find a good job and settle down. I bet you’ve had enough of that place. Hope you make it.”

Eileen wrote a card saying: “Stay Strong Danny, love & very best wishes.”

And a woman from Northumber­land who befriends prisoners through their toughest times said Danny’s story was “tragic” and she would be “delighted to support” him.

Danny tugged on their heartstrin­gs after Maurice told how he hoped his son doesn’t attempt to take his own life after being back inside.

Danny fought for his release after being caught up in the controvers­ial Imprisonme­nt for Public Protection (IPP) sentences which came into force for England and Wales in 2005 but was axed in 2012.

He was just 18 when a judge recommende­d he served almost 16 months for two attempted robberies before he could apply for parole - but it took 11 years and nine months for him to be released.

He got out on July 3 and was told to spend three months in a hostel in Leeds before being allowed to return to home soil in Newcastle.

Frustrated to not be with his family, without benefits and miles away from home, Danny threw a chair on the floor in the hostel which bounced and cracked a window.

It was on his 29th birthday on July 18 and he was recalled to prison charged with criminal damage.

Maurice fears for his son’s mental state as he has already attempted to take his own life in 2016 when he was locked up.

Builder Maurice, dad-of-12, has now visited him in prison. He said: “I feel a lot better now that I have seen him, it makes me feel happy seeing him happier. However I can’t stop thinking of his mental health and I wish the authoritie­s would tell him how long he will be in for.”

When Danny, of Scotswood, Newcastle, spoke after his release, he said: “I have wanted to get out of prison for so long but now that I’m out it is worse than being locked up.

“I’m not getting the support I need, I am bipolar and things have changed since I was out last. I feel like handing myself back into prison because I can’t cope out here.

“I wanted to be back in Newcastle to be with my family.”

West Yorkshire Police, which covers the Leeds area, said they would not comment on individual cases.

Last year we told Danny’s plight of how his time inside has been in high security prisons including HMP Northumber­land, HMP Moorlands in Don-

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