Sunday Sun

New boy thrills but can’t help Bandits win


ALL Berwick Bandits’ fans eyest were on debutant Nikolaj Busk Jakobsen, but he couldn’t help his side in a 52-41 defeat against Sheffield Tigers.

Jakobsen’s first race came in Heat Four, with Bandits already trailed 7-11.

Jakobsen blasted under Georgie Wood to take up second, but in a wild and wide blast round the third bend he collided with the fence and landed heavily on the shale needing medical treatment.

Thankfully he got up and walked back to the pits, but was excluded from the awarded away 1-5 taking the score to 8-16 which lurched to 9-21 after another Tigers maximum from Josh Grajczonek and Todd Kurtz. In Heat Seven Jakobsen rode a brilliant race to catch up and pass, in a dramatic manner. The score moved to 18-27, but most in black and gold were simply relieved to see the previously fallen Jakobsen looking so well.

Berwick’s fortunes continued to improve with Howe jetting from the off on Heat Eight and Etheridge tucking into a fine second for a home 5-1 – and Berwick took the score to 28-29 after nine heats.

The Bandits turned the meeting on it’s head in Heat 10 as Howe. with the Berwick 4-2 putting the home side into the lead for the first time 32-31 going into the interval.

Sadly despite the racing being top notch, a Graversen/Bates awarded 1-5 in Heat 14 after a fall and exclusion for Etheridge after a close inside challenge from Graversen ended the Bandits chance of a win.

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