Sunday Sun

Ex-pat left bed-bound after freak accident


- By Laura Hill Reporter laura.hill@trinitymir­

A NORTH expat has been left bedbound after falling and breaking his neck in South Korea.

Steve Robinson, 49, from Sacriston, County Durham, had been living in the country for six years before he injured himself.

The teacher and photograph­er has been told by doctors that he must remain lying flat on his back with a neck brace in order to make a full recovery.

Steve was injured in a freak accident in Jinju, the town where he lives and works as an English teacher.

While walking home from a restaurant he fell and hit his head on the pavement. Although he was in pain he has assumed he only had a muscle strain and head injury and he was sent home from the hospital with painkiller­s.

Two days later the pain had not subsided so Steve returned to hospital where further tests revealed he had broken his neck and he was put in a head brace. STEVE ROBINSON

Now the 49-year-old’s girlfriend Megan Smith has launched a fundraisin­g appeal to pay for his medical treatment as he recovers. Steve Robinson with girlfriend Megan Smith before his accident

Steve’s photograph­y career had been going from strength to strength before the freak accident and the couple have had to cancel a planned visit to the UK.

Megan 33, from Indiana, USA, said: “It is an awful position to be in, stuck in hospital potentiall­y for the long-term without the financial means to pay the mounting bills. “How can a person have such a great season of successes and then abruptly have it taken away with a sudden fall? The upheaval it has caused in life has left both him and I bewildered yet determined.”

Steve does have insurance in South Korea through work. However Megan says this only offers very basic coverage, and the couple are facing thousands of pounds of hospital bills.

The couple need to raise £4,000 to cover the cost of the treatment which the South Korean healthcare system will not cover.

Steve said: “I don’t currently have any savings, so my ability to pay for anywhere near this amount of hospital fees is non-existent.

“I’m terribly worried about this situation, especially with the current condition I am in while in hospital in severe pain, unable to work or return to a normal life.”

To donate see www.gofundme. com/help-needed-for-medicalcos­ts

Steve Robinson in a South Korean hospital after breaking his neck

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