Sunday Sun

Police cuts sends morale plunging

Federation angrily hits out at Government cutbacks

- By Katie Dickinson Reporter katie.dickinson@trinitymir­

“SAVAGE” policing cuts in the North East are “bringing the service to its knees”, the Northumbri­a Police Federation has claimed.

In a snapshot of activity on Thursday morning, the seven forces, which include Northumbri­a, Durham, Cleveland and Humberside as well as West, North and South Yorkshire, were dealing with more than 4,000 outstandin­g calls for service or open incidents, 144 missing persons and 269 prisoners in custody.

This included 680 outstandin­g incidents in the Northumbri­a force area, with 46 people in custody and 31 missing persons.

While in Durham there were 177 outstandin­g incidents, 11 missing people and 18 people in custody.

Inspector Jim Gray, Chairman of Northumbri­a Police Federation, said the figures of a “typical midweek day” showed that demand is “massively outstrippi­ng resources” across forces in the North East.

Inspector Gray said: “Before we start every day, we are playing catch in terms of dealing with calls.

“It’s not just about crime, the impact of having to look for missing vulnerable people places a huge burden on already stretched resources.

“Despite the political rhetoric from Government, we are not just crime fighters. We are picking up the burden of many other areas of work from other agencies.

“This is against a backdrop of continuall­y reducing numbers.

“The savage cuts imposed upon the police service are bringing the service to its knees.

“We are going back to the days of reactive only policing of the mid 1980’s.

“This is not good for the service or the public.”

In July, figures released by the Office for National Statistics revealed that recorded crime increased by 10% nationally in the previous twelve months with an 18% rise in violent crime.

In the North East officer numbers have reduced by 19% since 2010 with the loss of 3,736 officers across the region (19,673 to 15,937).

The Federation says increasing and unrealisti­c workloads set against a backdrop of increased crime and reducing officer numbers is taking its toll on police officers in the North East.

Combined figures from the Police Federation of England and Wales’ recent pay and morale survey showed that on average, 60 per cent of officers in the North East were experienci­ng low morale.

Inspector Gray said: “There is real anger and fury from officers regarding last week’s pay award announceme­nt.

“The 1% pensionabl­e pay rise, with an additional 1% one year only ‘bonus’ payment, still falls short of the 2.9% rate of inflation and equates to a real terms pay cut for officers of 16% since 2010.

“In addition, officers are outraged that the Government have stipulated that the 1% ‘ bonus’ element has to be funded from existing police budgets.

“This means, in reality, Chief Constables have to pay for it out of current local budgets – budgets which they are still trying to find savings from to deal with the already imposed cuts.

“They will have to stop recruiting, and reduce police officer numbers further to pay for this underhand Government pay award.

“All this does is weaken the police service further to deal with demand and lower morale.”

 ?? ?? Armed police on patrol
Armed police on patrol

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