Sunday Sun



HEARTBROKE­N friends have paid tribute to a teenager who was killed in a car crash while out celebratin­g her birthday.

Bethany Fisher was fatally injured when the Ford Mondeo she was travelling in hit several parked vehicles on Victoria Terrace, Bedlington, on August 19.

Childhood friend Sophia Chisholm described the 19-year-old as having a bubbly personalit­y and as someone who always kept a smile on everyone’s faces.

Sophia, 16, said: “We were like a married couple at work. We would bicker about little stupid things and wind each other up, but we were the closest. She was like my best friend.

“She texted me and my friend Cheryl the day before she died telling us how much she loved us and she said we made her feel like we were all a little family.

“Unfortunat­ely a member of our little family has been taken away from us but she has left a big mark on my life.”

Family friend Mal Hemsted described former St Benet Biscop Catholic High School pupil Bethany as the “life and soul of the party”.

“She was always up for a laugh and was a really, really nice bubbly girl,” the 32-yearold said.

Following her death, Bethany’s friends and family gathered at Blyth Beach to release balloons in her memory.

Mal, of Bedlington, said: “She was really popular and lots of people signed them with messages. There have been so many floral tributes as well. The amount of flowers was amazing.”

Now, Mal has launched a petition calling for more road safety measures to be introduced on Victoria Terrace. He said: “The road in question is dangerous and there have been numerous incidents over the years.

“I thought something has to be done after Beth’s death. We want to see if we can get a speed camera or traffic-calming measures on the road.”

To sign the petition, visit the petition section on Northumber­land County Council’s website.

Bethany’s funeral took place at St Cuthbert’s Church in Bedlington on September 12 and she leaves behind mum Isabel, dad Brian and brother Charlie.

Jordan O’Donnell, of Waverly Court, Bedlington Station, admitted causing Bethany’s death by dangerous driving and a separate charge of causing death by driving while uninsured.

He admitted causing Meg McBurnie, also 19, serious injury by dangerous driving. O’Donnell also admitted doing acts intending to pervert the course of justice - by making a false report about a burglary and theft of his car – and failing to stop after an accident.

 ?? ?? Bethany Fisher and, below right, the scene of the accident
Bethany Fisher and, below right, the scene of the accident
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