Sunday Sun


- By Katie Dickinson katie.dickinson@trinitymir­

Reporter GRIPPED by an eating disorder when she was just 12 years old, Kirsty Hensleigh’s weight plummeted at one point to just five stone.

Despite her body deteriorat­ing to the point where she constantly felt cold, the teenager refused to admit she had a problem for three years.

But she finally decided to seek help when her disorder left her so ill she was unable to take part in a school play.

After getting the support that she needed from eating disorder organisati­ons, Kirsty came back from the brink and turned her life around.

And this month the 19-year-old completed the Great North Run in honour of the charity that helped save her life

Kirsty’s triumph comes as NHS figures show that treatment for eating disorders has more than doubled in six years in Northumber­land.

Despite the disorder eventually taking over her life, Kirsty, from Alnwick, says she will never know it started.

“It’s quite unusual – most people can identify the trigger but I have no idea what mine was,” she said.

“I was eating less and less, but when I look back or discuss it with people, it just feels like it wasn’t me.”

Kirsty’s mum Alison started getting concerned about her daughter when the family went on holiday to Scotland.

“I got in a normal swimming pool and I’ve never felt the cold like that – I was just shivering so much and my mum thought there was something not quite right.”

At her lowest, Kirsty’s weight plunged to just five stones over the next few years.

“A lot of that period for me is just blocked out – when you get that ill it’s not you, it’s the voices in your head telling you things.”

Her worst moment came at the age of 14 when she was too sick to take part in a show. “I’ve always been into drama and involved in shows. “But I felt really cold all the time and there was no way I could get through one, being as ill as I was. “That was a big catalyst for my recovery. “I wanted to keep doing drama and I thought: ‘Right, I’m going to beat this thing.”

Kirsty then sought help from EDICT (Eating Disorders Intensive Community Treatment), at Prudhoe and eating disorder charity Beat.

Four years after starting her recovery, Kirsty has now started a psychology degree at the University of York.

And her mission to raise awareness of eating disorders saw her complete the Great North Run to raise funds for Beat.

She said: “It never leaves you – like most mental disorders you can beat them but they are always there in the back of your head.

“I never wake up any more and think: ‘I might not want to eat today’, but it’s something that will stay with me for my whole life.

“I just want to say to people in the same situation that there is life after an eating disorder.

“Anyone who is suffering should know that they are not alone and there is help there for them.”

The latest NHS figures show that people living in the Northumber­land CCG area were treated for eating disorders 59 times in 2015/16.

This was up from 25 treatment episodes in 2010/11, with 2015/16 seeing the highest number of treatment episodes in at least six years.

In North Durham CCG, the number of treatment episodes has also more than doubled from 33 in 2010/11 to 76 in 2015/16, again the highest number in a year since at least 2010/11.

In the Cumbria, Northumber­land, Tyne and Wear KIRSTY HENSLEIGH NHS area, the number of treatment episodes has risen over the six-year period, from 364 in 2010/11 to 437 in 2015/16.

To donate to Kirsty’s appeal, visit www.justgiving. com/fundraisin­g/kirsty-hensleigh

 ?? ?? Kirsty Hensleigh has battled her eating disorders. (Below) Kirsty taking part in the Great North Run
Kirsty Hensleigh has battled her eating disorders. (Below) Kirsty taking part in the Great North Run
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