Sunday Sun

Gibson inspiring Monk’s revamped rearguard


WHILE Boro’s forward line has been receiving plenty of plaudits, the team’s defensive contributi­on cannot be overlooked. The clean sheet at Aston Villa was Boro’s seventh in their opening ten games in all competitio­ns. In comparison, Boro achieved just three clean sheets in their first ten games in their previous Championsh­ip stint – when Aitor Karanka’s men were regarded as the stingiest in the division.

All managers will tell you that defending is done by the team as a whole, but it is impossible to underestim­ate the huge contributi­on of Ben Gibson.

Boro could easily have taken the money and run when West Brom made a near-£20m offer for the England squad player during the summer.

But Boro insisted they did not need to sell and, with Gibson happy to stay to try to help Boro bounce straight back to the Premier League, the benefits are obvious.

Gibson is a top-quality player who has an inspiratio­nal effect on the men around him.

None more so than 20-year-old Dael Fry, whose personal game can only improve in leaps and bounds from playing alongside his fellow Teessider.

Monk should be applauded for giving Fry his opportunit­y this season, especially as he has more experience­d options in Daniel Ayala and Ryan Shotton. Gibson apart, Monk has opted for virtually a complete change-around at the back, with new signings Cyrus Christie and Darren Randolph also regulars in the starting line-up.

There are several contenders for Boro’s best signing of the summer. My vote goes to Christie for his terrific run of consistent performanc­es at right-back.

He was something of unknown quantity to us pundits when he arrived but has looked the complete Championsh­ip player.

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