Sunday Sun



- By Lisa Hutchinson Reporter

HE’S inked from head to toe and is quite probably the most tattooed bloke in the North East.

But Paul Allen says he’s not quite finished and has more tattoos planned.

It’s taken just over nine years for the 58-year-old to get his full body suit and even had his eyelids, nails and most intimate parts done.

There’s only space on the soles of his feet and in between his fingers, but there are plans to get those covered soon.

He started with a piece of simple Chinese writing at the age of 49 and his addiction grew from there.

Since then Paul has: • sat for over 1,000 hours of inking • spent more than £15,000 • had over 200 bottles of ink used on his body • has a total of 810 tattoos made up of 496 designs and 314 names.

Painter and decorator Paul says he does it not to be noticed but for the beauty of the art work involved.

“I was a late starter, I was 49 when I got my first tattoo in April 2008, only a couple of weeks after my mam died. I got simple Chinese writing on my upper arm of mine and my niece’s and nephew’s names. I then got the bug and then it just started. I have visited 25 studios, mainly in the North East, but I’ve had tattoos done in Doncaster, Hastings and when on holiday in Cyprus, Corfu and Crete,” said Paul, of Chirton Grange, North Shields.

“I’ve got 496 designs, 314 random names, 810 in total. The names started when I was in a tattoo studio and a hen party came in. One of the girls got a tattoo of her name, Xanthe, and that got me thinking I should get all girl’s names starting with every letter of the alphabet. And I chose Xanthe to start off with as I knew that would be a difficult one to find. I’ve got names of friends and places and people who I randomly meet in a pub. I always get them tattooed in their own handwritin­g and I never get them tattooed over, they’re always there to stay.

“I must have spent over £15,000 on a full body suit, but I don’t count the cost, it’s my hobby, if you smoke then how much do you spend on that?”

Paul reckons he’s more inked than the official most tattooed man in Britain, Mathew Whelan, who changed his name to King of Ink Land King Body Art The Extreme InkIte.

“He’s got spaces in between his tattoos but he has his eyeballs done as well,” said Paul. “I don’t do it to claim any title but I think I have more than him.”

Paul’s pain threshold is greater than most and was only reduced to tears when he had his eyelids inked.

“I have all day sittings, that’s six hours usually but I’ve had days were I’ve been tattooed for 10 hours. I never tap out and wait another day to get it finished, I get it done there and then,” added Paul.

“At one tattoo studio I had my dressing gown and slippers permanentl­y there. I used to go in and

 ??  ?? Paul Allen
Paul Allen
 ??  ?? What is the tattoo most people like? “Loads of people like the shark on the top of my head.”
What is the tattoo most people like? “Loads of people like the shark on the top of my head.”

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