Sunday Sun

Parking bays cause me a real headache



A HOUSE builder has been accused of starting a dispute between neighbours over parking.

Both say Persimmon Homes should have given more clarity over who is allowed to park in visitor bays on an estate.

But the builder says it will not get involved.

Claire Calvert, who moved into a new-build home in Ashington eight years ago, claims the company has washed its hands of responsibi­lity.

She said Persimmon Homes should do something to resolve the dispute because they designed and built the estate.

Claire admits the bays are on her neighbour’s land but says they are subject to a restrictiv­e covenant which says anyone can park there.

She said: “When I bought my property I was advised that it had visitor parking bays at the back.

“I obtained my deeds and the plot where the bay is situated had VP marked on it so I didn’t think anything of it.

“But I had a dispute with a neighbour who said she could stop people parking there if they wanted.

“I contacted Persimmon who advised that I did have access and there was a restrictiv­e covenant in place, which meant it was for shared access between the four houses near it.

“But I was not given anything in writing which made it clear enough.”

Claire finally did receive a let- Claire Calvert of Ashington is in dispute over a parking space ter from Persimmon but was still left feeling it still did not resolve anything.

The letter confirmed the ownership of the land was with the neighbour. It also confirmed the bay was subject to a restrictiv­e covenant meaning the land can only be used for the purpose of a visitor parking bay.

But it went on: “The deeds are clear as to what a visitor parking bay is, in that it is for the use of anyone to park on a temporary basis.”

Even this didn’t help and Claire says a check on her deeds revealed she had never been granted legal access to the visitor bays.

We have spoken to the neighbour and she said she did not wish to comment.

Another neighbour, John Hall, said he did not want to take sides.

But he said Persimmon had rejected a plan to end the dispute.

He said: “Everyone has a drive where you can park.

“The problem is these two visitor bays.

“If they put more bays at the opposite end everyone will have space.

“I phoned them and they said they wouldn’t be willing to pay.

“They are still working on the site so it would not be a big deal for them.”

We asked John Eynon, managing director for Persimmon Homes North East, for his point of view.

He said: “All covenants are explained by the buyer’s conveyance solicitor at the time of purchase.

“We don’t get involved with neighbourl­y disputes, but any issue should have been brought to the solicitor’s attention when the property was purchased eight years ago.”

Claire said she was unhappy with the lack of action.

She said: “I want to know what they are going to do to resolve this and I would expect a considerab­le amount of compensati­on.

“I know Persimmon do not get involved with neighbourl­y disputes but my issue is with them and not my neighbour now.”

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