Sunday Sun

Campaign warning on Nissan

- By Sophie Doughty Reporter

SUNDERLAND’S Nissan factory will close after Britain leaves the European Union, according to a pro-European campaigner.

That’s the view of David Hardman, from North East for Europe, who was today urging the public to support calls for a public vote on the final Brexit deal.

Activists took to the streets of Newcastle yesterday afternoon as part of a joint day of action by grass roots groups, who are fighting to give people more say in if and how we leave Europe. Campaigner­s were at Grey’s Monument chatting to Tynesiders. Mr Hardman said many people he had spoken to did not really understand what Brexit would mean for them, or what they actually voted for in the 2016 referendum.

And he believes a vote on the deal would give the public another chance to reject Brexit now they know more facts.

He said: “There’s no doubt Nissan will close, because 70% of their sales are in the European market. A lot of the discussion­s around the referendum were misleading, and so many people are now sitting there saying,‘I didn’t vote for that’. A lot of people think the debate is over and have become apathetic because they don’t Pro-European campaigner­s gather at Monument, central Newcastle to drum up support believe either side of the argument. We are here to campaign for a people’s vote on the final Brexit deal. We are going to have a specific deal, and then people will have some idea of what they are voting for. There should be a vote, which would give government the opportunit­y to reject the deal or to go ahead.”

A spokesman for Nissan Manufactur­ing UK declined to comment on the claims.

Yesterday’s events were organised by activists and supporters from Open Britain; the European Move- ment; and Britain for Europe. During the Brexit referendum, Newcastle voted by around 51% to 49% in favour of remaining in the EU.

And Mr Hardman said the idea had been well-received.

“We have had no counter demonstrat­ors,” he said. “Most people wanted to chat, and said they were unhappy about what’s happened in this country. We have had the odd person who has come up to us and said we are undemocrat­ic, but that’s missing the point.” As well as the flagship event in Newcastle, there were around 10 events taking place across the rest of the North East, including Sunderland, Durham and Alnwick.

And there were hundreds of events taking place up and down the UK.

Thousands of activists and supporters took part, with 500,000 leaflets handed out, and more than 100 street stalls set up in towns and cities.

Last month, the cross-party House of Commons Business Committee warned that a no-deal Brexit could destroy the car industry and put 7,000 jobs at Sunderland’s Nissan factory at risk.

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