Sunday Sun

Peace in Korea?


US PRESIDENT Donald Trump says he had “a long and very good talk” with the South Korean president after his historic meeting with North Korea’s leader.

With anticipati­on growing for a possible USNorth Korea summit, Mr Trump tweeted that “things are going very well”, with the “time and location” of a meeting with Kim Jong Un still being set.

He said that besides talking to South Korea’s Moon Jae-in, he has updated Japanese PM Shinzo Abe.

Mr Moon and Mr Kim have pledged to seek a formal end to the Korean War this year and to rid the Korean Peninsula of nuclear weapons.

Mr Trump has said he is looking forward to the meeting with Mr Kim.

It is tentativel­y scheduled for May or early June.

Earlier, the US president claimed credit for the historic meeting between the leaders of North and South Korea and declared that peace on the divided peninsula could be achieved.

He spoke hours after Mr Kim became the first North Korean leader to travel south of the demarcatio­n line to meet Mr Moon.

Responsibi­lity for turning a bold vision for peace into reality will in large part rest with Mr Trump, who has often vowed to succeed where his predecesso­rs have failed in eliminatin­g the North Korean nuclear threat to America.

Earlier, he touted the outcome of Friday’s summit between Mr Kim and Mr Moon as a breakthrou­gh in the generation­al stand-off.

“KOREAN WAR TO END!” he tweeted. “The United States, and all of its GREAT people, should be very proud of what is now taking place in Korea!”

In a separate tweet, he said “good things are happening, but only time will tell”.

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