Sunday Sun

Could Tories make big Brexit U-turn?


IT’S come as a bit of a surprise but it looks like we may be heading for a very soft version of Brexit after all.

Theresa May used to say “Brexit means Brexit”. And that seemed to mean a complete break with the EU

But now, there’s talk of the UK staying in the Customs Union. That’s an EU institutio­n which allows goods to be transporte­d across borders without any checks.

It’s possible to be in the Customs Union without being in the EU.

And membership would really help companies such as Nissan and Hitachi, manufactur­ers with major factories in the North East.

Along with other large manufactur­ers, particular­ly carmakers, they import parts from suppliers across Europe.

Being able to get those parts into the country when they are needed, without delays, is essential to keeping the factories running..

The downside of being in the Customs Union is that you can’t sign your own trade deals.

That’s because every country in the Customs Union needs to have the same trade arrangemen­ts with the rest of the world.

Theresa May has previously said that the UK will definitely leave the Customs Union.

But now it’s not so clear.

It’s rumoured at Westminste­r that she’s preparing a U-turn.

Amber Rudd, the Home Secretary, was asked about this last week.

She said that the Cabinet were still discussing what to do – although when journalist­s started reporting this, she issued a statement on Twitter insisting “of course when we leave the EU we will be leaving the customs union”.

That might seem pretty clear, but it still leaves the Government with some flexibilit­y.

Because the UK could leave “the Customs Union” – meaning the one we are in right now – but still be part of “a customs union”,

Ease of trade through UK ports such as Dover, pictured, will be a welcome boost for British firms fearing the effects of Brexit meaning a new one we agree with the EU. This is Labour’s policy already. Mrs May might even find she has no choice other than to accept membership of a customs union.

The House of Lords has passed an amendment to EU legislatio­n which says the Government should attempt to negotiate customs union membership.

Their amendment will be debated in the House of Commons. And some Conservati­ve MPs are likely to back it, as well as Labour.

But it would be a huge change for Mrs May.

Brexit would no longer quite mean Brexit.

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