Sunday Sun


- By Mike Kelly Reporter

THREE men from the North diagnosed with aggressive and incurable brain tumours, set out on Tuesday to walk Hadrian’s Wall to raise £50,000 to help fund research into the disease.

The intrepid trio, who have nicknamed their charity team “The Three Tumours”, started from Bowness-in-Solway in Cumbria for their 84-mile trek along the historic monument with the aim of finishing on May 2 at Wallsend.

They hope to raise awareness of the disease, including the fact that the region has the highest per capita rate of brain tumours diagnosed in England at 19 cases per 100,000 population in 2014 – 2.3 more cases than the national average.

Former art teacher Ian Hardy, 52, from Gateshead, Graydon Downs, 39, a commercial manager from Sunderland and Newcastle boxer Dan Howard, 25, now a personal trainer, were all diagnosed more than five years ago with grade four glioblasto­ma multiforme (GBM4) brain tumours – the same cancer which Labour peer Tessa Jowell was diagnosed with last year. The average life expectancy for this form of brain tumour is 12 to 18 months. Less than 20% of brain tumour patients survive beyond five years, compared with an average of 50% across all cancers.

Graydon said: “Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer, yet just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this devastatin­g disease.

“We are delighted to be joined in our challenge by fellow survivor Richard Stewart, 63, from Seaton Sluice, near Whitley Bay, who was diagnosed with a GBM4 nearly three years ago.

“We have all had to learn to live with ongoing issues as a result of our brain tumours, ranging from the risk of having another seizure to balance, sight and speech problems, or in Dan’s case losing the use of his right side.

“Walking 84 miles along Hadrian’s Wall over the course of a week might not sound that hardcore to serious athletes, but some days we struggle to walk 20 metres as a result of our condition.”

Accompanyi­ng them on the trek is Vincent McCluskey, who works for the Scottish Ambulance Service and is a qualified paramedic. The cash they raise will be donated to three national charities: Brain Tumour Research, The Brain Tumour Charity and Brainstrus­t.

Ian commented: “I have had brain cancer for the last seven years and been unable to work all that time.

“For the last five years, my time has been dedicated to numerous charities, including local community work and working with people affected by strokes.

“The Three Tumours gives us a chance to send a sense of hope and positivity to others who may be affected themselves or who have a loved one affected by a brain tumour/brain cancer.”

 ??  ?? Dan Howard, Ian Hardy and Graydon Downs have nicknamed their charity team “The Three Tumours” and are to walk the length of Hadrian’s Wall
Dan Howard, Ian Hardy and Graydon Downs have nicknamed their charity team “The Three Tumours” and are to walk the length of Hadrian’s Wall
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