Sunday Sun

Heaven just of the cloth


investigat­e. And within days there was good news.

Rev Boulter, told me: “A BT Openreach engineer spent six to seven hours on site.

“He showed me that, in fact, there were already two lines into the building so no additional installati­on work was required.

“He only needed to make the necessary connection­s up the wooden pole and undergroun­d in Northumbri­an Water’s padlocked property. They gave him access and his work was completed.

“I then had a call from BT’s Executive Complaints Department informing me the old telephone number would be back within 24 hours.”

It looked as if things were working out when BT called me with an answer.

They told me: “The line is now up and running and customer service are now trying to get his original number allocated back to the right line. Hopefully shouldn’t take too long.” Was it finally sorted? Yes, it was, and the church’s old number was restored.

A second statement said: “Pleased to confirm that the line and number are both now reinstated. We’re very sorry for all the inconvenie­nce caused.”

The church said it was pleased but would be seeking compensati­on over and above one month’s subscripti­on already offered.

BT also offered £3 a month off the bill for a year and an additional £40 payment.

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